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Como manter rugas e olheiras bem longe
How to keep wrinkles and dark circles at bay
How to keep wrinkles and dark circles at bay. All tips that really work.
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Como evitar manchas solares
How to avoid sunspots
SUN! It should be everything you want for the next few months - and well. But sun exposure also has its drawbacks, find out how to avoid and treat sunspots!!
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4 massagens rápidas para combater a celulite
4 quick massages to combat cellulite
Body Gua Sha is one of our favorite beauty tools! Not only does it help sculpt your body's lines , it's a great way to stimulate your lymphatic system! Learn...
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Tigela de açaí e cacau
Açaí and cocoa bowl
This bowl, which you can make for breakfast or a snack, is packed with beauty nutrients and antioxidants that help prevent premature aging and strengthen collagen.
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Como ter os dentes brancos naturalmente
How to have white teeth naturally
The mouth is a kind of portal to the inside of our body. The health of the oral microbiome is essential not only for the health of our teeth and...
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DDPF Luisa Almeida
De Dentro Para Fora
DDPF Luisa Almeida
I am very pleased to be able to introduce Luísa, the woman who transformed a wonderful farm, in the family since 1967, into an organic farming project, with a market...
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Exfoliar o rosto: sim ou não?
Exfoliate your face: yes or no?
Exfoliating is probably the skin care product with the most immediate results. The skin automatically becomes softer, cleaner and ready to receive other products. That's why it's so easy to...
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Cápsulas Super Cabelo: Como tomar e porque funcionam!
Bem Estar Feminino
Super Hair Capsules: How to take them and why they work!
Everything about this 100% natural supplement and why it works. It is no coincidence that the Super Hair products They are one of the most sought after in the store!
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Os melhores Brownies de sempre!
The best Brownies ever!
The best brownies recipe ever! If you love brownies as much as I do you have to try this recipe.
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Horóscopo Julho
July Horoscope
From the serene and nostalgic energy of Cancer, we end the month with the fire of Leo, even at the height of summer. Grab a cold drink and discover what...
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FAQ´S Proteção Solar
FAQ'S Sun Protection
Sunscreen: we answer all your FAQS ‌Our solar range has grown, from sunscreens in sticks and cans , to options with a more fluid texture , and even a sunscreen...
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Como perder volume e inchaço?
Bem Estar Feminino
How to lose volume and swelling?
Why do I feel bloated? It is important to try to decode the causes of your abdominal bloating and understand what you can do to improve the functioning of your...
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