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How to prevent and treat hair loss all year round

Seasonal hair loss is a myth... that's why we've had so many questions about hair loss all year long.

We're obsessed with all things hair around here and we have some "foolproof tricks" that will help you control, prevent and treat all types of conditions that have to do with hair and scalp.

But why does hair fall out more with the arrival of autumn?

Hair loss usually happens 4 to 6 months after a stressful event or illness. If we reflect on events from previous months we can quickly find a “reason”.

During the summer, hair is exposed to UV rays, sea water and chlorine from swimming pools. We relax in our routines and perhaps forget to apply a mask or the be a consistently.

During the summer our greatest ally is hair sunscreen , we advise you not to leave home without it, especially if you are going to spend the day outdoors with the sun mixed in. This product is essential in controlling hydration and hair loss due to excessive sun exposure.
*tip* just spray in the palm of your hand, "warm" the protector with both hands and apply it especially to the lower parts of the hair (more at the ends).

Returning to the "autumn fall", it is believed that the body is responding to hormonal changes. With the stress of back to reality , fewer hours to rest, our circadian rhythms change and, consequently, our hormonal production as well.

Therefore, this is the right time to boost hydration , stimulate the scalp and ensure that we are not lacking any vitamins or micronutrients . Here it is our perfect anti-hair loss routine!

Reinforce hydration

Temperature changes alter your hair's natural hydration and you may have already exposed your hair too much during the summer. Good hydration is synonymous with elasticity and strength. The ideal is to apply to the ends the mask on your hair while you sleep. The longer the time, the more nutrients mask penetrate the hair cuticles - That's why it's so important that the ingredients are 100% natural. Remove excess grease with a deep wash with shampoo It is conditioner.

*tip* when washing your hair, use the mask on the ends and shampoo on the rest of the hair, this cleans and hydrates more deeply. Always rinse your hair with warm water, avoid hot water as it damages and weakens your hair.

Massage the scalp

It's like preparing the "soil" to place seeds and then just waiting for them to grow very strong. Without a healthy scalp, hair will not grow. Hair massage stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the roots and increases the absorption of nutrients through the hair follicles.

How do you work the soil? Always with dry hair, apply a few drops of be a in your hands or directly at the roots of your hair, and massage with the jade comb . This comb was specially designed to stimulate circulation, help the follicle receive the botanical active ingredients that will nourish it and stimulate its growth. It also helps to fill the strand and bring more volume and strength to the hair. Perform this massage in circular movements, all over the head, especially in the areas that you feel are most weakened.

Another way to "prepare the soil" that works very well for those who have a lot of hair loss and are experiencing areas with less density is the dermaroller . This "tool" increases blood circulation in the scalp, stimulating the transport of nutrients and oxygen, thus stimulating hair growth and giving it more volume, structure and thickness. Also increases collagen production and stimulates cell renewal.

*tip* you should always use this tool with very clean hair, preferably after washing. Rinse and proceed with the massage. Pass the dermaroller over your scalp, read the step by step instructions here . Followed by a few drops of the super hair serum, this process will help the serum's nutrients penetrate the scalp more effectively to spice up the roots for stronger, healthier hair.

Avoid combing wet hair

Wet hair is more elastic and, with the force of brushing, it can pull or break the strands. The ideal would be to brush dry hair before washing . And while washing, don't tangle it again. Wash your scalp with circular movements and gently “squeeze” the strands between your hands. This way, you leave the shower with your hair combed and ready to dry.

Washing your hair well is also an art.

In the world of Trichology (scalp and hair treatment) there are those who advise washing your hair almost every day, as there are studies that show that in 5 weeks, those who wash more frequently (in the correct way) have less hair loss. But what is the correct way? The correct way is to remember to wash the back of the neck and the area behind the ears with shampoo , try to massage to activate circulation. When using conditioner, apply only to the ends, do not apply it to the scalp. For those with drier hair, use the mask as a conditioner. Try washing your hair with warmer/cold water as hot water harms hair health.

Eat real food

Good nutrients = good hair. It is important to maintain a good supply of healthy fats, micronutrients and vitamins. Avocado, nuts, legumes, fatty fish, chia seeds for Omega-3, dark green vegetables, citrus fruits and kiwifruit (Vitamin C!), eggs, sweet potatoes, and seaweed (for a good source of iodine) - stock the pantry and the fridge with them all!

Here we advise you to take precautions and take the SUPER CABELO powder mixture, this mixture is made up of vegetable proteins and medicinal plants that help bring the nutrients you need (from the inside out) to have not only strong and shiny hair but also a healthy body. When you eat poorly, which is easy to happen nowadays, or due to lack of time or access to really nutritious and organic ingredients, your hair (and teeth) are the first to suffer the consequences as the body goes into " lockdown" and stops sending nutrients to places it considers unnecessary, the first being the hair.

By taking 1 to 2 dessert spoons of this super hair mixture daily you will get everything you need to start your day (a good dose of vegetable protein, essential oils and botanical active ingredients that will nourish your system but especially your hair - skin and nails). Here's a delicious recipe to help you get started on this journey.

Consider supplementary

Various stages of our lives may require extra help, be it postpartum, menopause, periods of more stress ... A natural supplement , capable of regulating the production of cortisol (the stress hormone), supporting hormonal production and providing a boost of specific vitamins and nutrients for the hair, can make all the difference in the appearance of our hair, controlling hair loss and promoting the growth of new hairs.

Super Hair capsules are easy to take and super effective. This food supplement must be taken for at least 3 months.

Avoid tying your hair and drying it with a hairdryer

Above all, avoid ponytails that are too tight. They create tension in the hair strands and make them break more easily.

Excessive use of dryers and straightening irons makes hair dry and brittle, so whenever you have to use these tools, protect your hair with this protector. It works as a thermal protector, protecting the hair with its natural bamboo-based silicone. And it makes the hair fuller and more manageable.

When possible, dry your hair on the lowest heat setting for 50% and the rest let it dry naturally in the open air.

Avoid chemical dyes

If you dye your hair and still haven't given in to Henna , maybe you should try it. To the Hair dyes are full of chemical compounds that penetrate the scalp's hair . Furthermore, they make hair drier, brittle and fragile. If you opt for natural coloring, you will not only be giving your hair a new color, but also nourishing it with each coloring. You can follow the step by step in this video .

Manage your emotions and rest!

The usual old advice, which is used for so many problems in our lives. High stress levels and poor sleep are the enemies of good skin and hair. For a more restful and regenerative sleep, try our drops.

Be patient and consistent

Hair grows approximately one centimeter per month. And it has natural cycles of growth, rest and fall. We cannot change this mechanics, nor our genetics or age, which also influence it. But yes, we can be patient and consistent with our hair care routines, and our daily habits.

You will see that the differences can be noticed!

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