Welcome to our store!
Read all the present information on the General Selling Conditions, these define the rights and obligations of the parties within the scope of sales made through the online store mplbeauty.withdescribing the necessary steps for the act of order and follow -up.
When proceeding to an order, the user declares that he read and agreed with the present terms and conditions, clicking on “I read and accept the terms and conditions of sale, as well as the privacy policy applicable.
The general conditions of sale are the only applicable and replace all other conditions, except prior agreement, expressed and in writing.
THE MPL'Beauty Reserves the right to change the general terms and conditions of sale, at any time without notice, being applied, at each order, the conditions that are in force on the day that the customer is performed by the customer. In the omitted cases the Law of Selling in the distance in force will be applied.
Order in the online store
ShovelRthe make an order on the site mplbeauty.With, access to 24/24 and 7/7 days: www.mplbeauty.with.
Product Information
Always read the instructions for using each product, and in case of doubt use the contact form or send us an email to support@mafaldapintoleite.com or contact us via phone or whatsapp by +351 925 530 592 (Called National Mobile Network), before any use.
The photographs that illustrate the products do not enter the contractual field and do not replace any withPROmISSthedustR part from the MPL'Beauty.
Whenever an order is necessary for the customer to provide all the necessary data to the RegisTthe andenVio from the Suthe enwOmenfrom the, PREenwHenof Todos thes hereMPyou obRFor this purpose.
Upon receipt of the order, the customer will receive a confirmation of the order made by E-MAil, which does not constitute, however, its definitive acceptance. The order is only considered definitive after sending an email by the MPL'Beauty confirming your order.
THE MPL'Beauty Send the order confirmation email after its full payment by the dock.
In cases where the customer does not pay within 4 business days from the date of the enforcement, it is considered canceled.
In cases where the customer makes a partial payment, ie the amount paid does not correspond to the Total amount of the order, it has 3 business days to settle the missing value. If it does not perform the indicated deadline, a credit note will be issued in the amount paid so far.
Shipping & Transportation
Where do you send your products?
For everyone! Once the order is sent, receives a shipping confirmation email with inforB.CAof RASTremAEnto. We are not responsible for lost or stolen orders. For issues related to your order, send us an email to support@mafaldapintoleite.com or contact us by phone or WhatsApp by +351 925 530 592 (called National Mobile Network).
We are available from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm UGT/GNT Lisboa.
Do you offer shipping sizes?
We offer orders at orders over € 60 for mainland Portugal and € 100 for Madeira and the Azores. We also have the pleasure of putECEr 15% discount on the first purchase after the subscription of our newsletter.
How are shipping costs calculated?
National and international rates are calculated by the company responsible for delivery, based on the postal code and shipping destination. Remember that international packages are subject to taxes and customs that are not calculated on checkout. THE MPL'Beauty There is no control over these fees charged at the time of delivery. Contact your country's local customs office to determine Astaxes in advance.
How long should I wait for my order?
After payment confirmation, the MPL'Beauty commit to Process the order for 1 to 8 business days. Requests made after 14h GMT and over the weekend will be processed within 1 to 8 business days, submit from the following Monday. We do not send encomenfrom thes thethe fim-of-ifmdwarf theu feriad.
If for some reason it is not possible to comply with the maximum delivery period indicated, the MPL'Beauty IIt will nod the customer of this fact and will give them the option of keeping the order by establishing the new delivery date or annulling the purchase, in which case it will be reimbursed from the amount paid initially.
From there, it depends on the option of shipping chosen!
- Post Portugal: 5 to 15 business days.
- Carrier Portugal: 1 to 3 business days;
- Post Office Europe: 10 to 25 business days;
- Europe European Carrier: 2 to 8 business days;
- International mail: 1 to 6 weeks.
TandNHthe In view of the point that this information is given by the post office and the carrier used. They may exist and therefore these numbers may not correspond to reality.
We are not responsible for any delay in delivering orders resulting from strike or ortrassituations by the post office or the selected carrier.
Any complaint related to the transportation service must be filed with this entity.
THE MPL'Beauty does not assume any responsibility for orders returned due to incorrect address, lack of postal reception, not claimed to be the deadline, among others.
How do I know when my order was sent?
Will receive an email with all the information and the tracking number, if you have Escoralgone this method. Be careful if you put the correct email and if it did not go to the spam box.
Can I follow the state of my order?
If you have done The request for delivery by carrier (Portugal and Europe), will receive an email with um nakedmtracking ero so you can follow your order.
Do orders send for the same day?
At the moment, no.
How do I know the order will be delivered to me in person?
We recommend that you consider the following information:
- All orders per carrier require a signature when delivery;
- We cannot redirect orders after sending the items, so check if there is someone who dustssa assinairthe Suthe andNCOmandnfrom the nthe ENDERandket Dand enVio ESfootwIFCIadthe;
- The carrier does not deliver the mailbox or general delivery;
- If the carrier does not find anyone at the indicated address, it will try to contact it by leaving an email instructions. After 1 week, our customer service will contact you directly by email;
- It is the customer's responsibility to be aware of the email to obtain information from the carrier, if you do not know anyone to receive the carrier does not contact the customer to warn the appropriate time of the new delivery. Choose a home where someone can always sign.
- It is also the responsibility of the customer to contact the carrier through the data sent by it, and if it is not achieved after several attempts to contawTo, aMPL'Beauty It can help.
Standard normal mail
- Encomenfrom thes put CorrHeythe Stanfrom theRD (sandm tracking/n.º of enVio): no exISTand forthe of Rroast, Por This we advise a safer shipping, via carrier or mail with shipping number. It has an associated cost, but safety is higher!
- If requested the shipping by standard (without location), delays or other situations may occur where the responsibility is not MPL'Beauty, but from the customer when choosing the method to be aware that, despite the costs, there are safer methods for you!
We ensure each purchase during the time it is in transit until it is delivered to it. We require a signature for any delivered commodity, and from there the responsibility for the goods acquired becomes yours. If you are not the recipient of your purchase (for example, a gift shipping), the person who signs the delivery receipt will confirm that he received and will be responsible for encomenfrom the.
Stocks and availability
THE MPL'Beauty Respects the deadlines for sending an order provided that stock is available.
In the event that one of the products requested is not available in stock, the MPL'Beauty in contact with the customer by email or by telephone within a maximum period of 8 business days, from the order date, in order to inform the new delivery time of the product.
Product prices presented for sale in Portuguese national territory are invoiced in euros and the VAT at the legal rate in force, excluding transportation costs.
All expenses that occur due to the form of payment chosen by the customer, in particular bank fees and charges, customs rights and similar charges shall be SuPortados peltheWLienyou.
We reported that if the indicated price is incorrect and manifestly derisory, regardless of its cause (computer error, manual error, technical error, etc.) the order will be annualda, even in cases where it is already confirmed.
THE MPL'Beauty Reserve the right to modify prices at any time without notice.
Payment Methods
B.CeitaMOs Todos you PRInwIcountry waircredit tions as well as payments through stripe and paypal. For more options, please send an emailthe support@mafaldapintoleite.com.
Free Resolution Right. Satisfied or refund
A maximum of 14 days after receiving the order, the customer has the right to resolve the contract.
Expenses for product shipping fees for decoration will be the responsibility of the customer.
The customer can be held responsible for the depreciation of the good, if the manipulation made to inspect the nature, the characteristics and the functioning of that good exceeds the manipulation that Habitualmenyou and admITIfrom the.
Products excluded from the right of legal resolution:
- Incomplete products, damaged or used by the customer;
- Supply of goods made in accordance with customer specifications or manifeSTthemenyouperspectiveonalizadyou;
- Supply of sealed goods not susceptible to return, for reasons for protection of health or of HIgienandquandthe thebertos thedusts the enmuddy.
In case of the exercise of the right of retraction, the MPL'Beauty It will do its best to reimburse the customer quickly (by the same way of payment), stressing, however, that this period will depend on technical assessments that will be made to the material, with amaximum duration of 15 days (counted upon the arrival of the products MPL'Beauty).
Exchange or return
For the exchange of an article, the customer may contact our customer service service through the telephone number or email existing on the “Contact us” tab. The expenses of shipping fees are up to the customer (the product travels under the responsibility of the same).
THE trocthe theu returnuwthethe Dand um airtigthe DEve REspHeytar to the MonuInyous conDESIONS:
- Not exceeded 14 days after purchase;
- Presentation of the invoice or bead purchase;
- The article has not been used and is returned under the same conditions as it was acquired ie with the original packaging intact, accompanied by their accessories, manuals and offers;
- Refund is always made through the same method of payment of the purchase.
We do not exchange used products, not sealed, scissors, gilettes, toiletries, articlesgrocerynalizadthes or airtigyou Qand if theprescriptionnyoum andm mthes conDESIONS.
In the event of defect or non -compliance with a product, the exchange may be subject to prior evaluation and analysis by the brand's official technical assistance.
Data protection
THE MPL'Beauty It undertakes not to make any personal data available to third parties, without the consent and written and in writing of the client, except in the case of legal imposition of disclosure of the data.
We reserve the right to present personal data related to customer and bank branches, but only within the strictly necessary for credit checks.
For more information consultation the Privacy Policy.
Disputes and responsibilities
Resolution Alternative of consumer disputes (RAL) LHey n.º144/2015 of 8 of setemBro.
In case of consumer litigation, the consumer can resort to European Litigation Resolution Platformavailable http://ec.europa.eu/consumer/odr or to the following altered resolution entities of consumer disputes:
- For more information see the Consumer Portal in www.consumidor.pt
- For the resolution of any and all dispute arising from the interpretation or execution of these general conditions, the Court of the Headquarters of MPL'Beauty.
MPL'Beauty It is not responsible for delays or not compliments contractual for reasons of force majeure, disturbances, total or partial strike, postal services and means ofTransport or communication, flood, fire or war. THE MPL'Beauty It is not responsible for any indirect end, loss of exploitation, loss of blessing, loss of opportunities, damage or fees that may come from the fact that any product presented on the site is purchased.
THE MPL'Beautydoes not assume any responsibility for misuse or uonly InDeviof, nandm pelthe DESUto theyou derIvadtheDthe noral utiliawthethe Dyou PRtheductthes Qand withERCIALIZA.
The application and use of products sold is the interior responsibility of the customer, which dutythe to readATENtamandnTand to the REspeither insscatwA of utiliawthethe, appliwaction and funwIonAMento. The cLienyou should verify that the purchased product corresponds to the commissioned by it. In accordance with Law No. 24/96 of July 31 and Decree-Law No. 67/2003 of 8 April.
Personal data protection
Please consult the NOSSthe Privacy Policy.
Intellectual property
All the conyouuof of siTand mplbeauty.with (STRB.CtonS, textyou, titUlos, maircas, Imagens, viciousand thes) conSTIyouI property of MPL'Beauty, of their co-contractors or partners. Partial or total reproduction of the content through any procedure and in any support is subject to prior and express authorization from MPL'Beauty. Allto the to the infortheçonES, wonTIofS, documandnTos and software offered by our services are prothered by Portuguese and international legislation, with regard to intellectual property and copyright. THE MPL'Beauty It cannot authorize the copy, presentation or distribution of the Kindness of which you do not have the right to intellectual property. Any fraudulent use of the rights obtained by third parties is a crime of counterfeiting, severely sanctioned by the intellectual proprietary code. THE MPL'Beauty It will not be responsible, at all, for the violation of a user of rights obtained by third parties and perpetrated by the activities of the latter on the site.