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Horóscopo Agosto

August Horoscope

Peak of summer and nothing less than a lot of excitement in the Leo season , with energy, creativity and confidence at an all-time high. With two Full Moons and some planets in retrograde motion, there is a lot to say about this beloved month of August. Find out the important dates for this month and what awaits your sign!

August 1 – Full Moon in Aquarius

August 16 – New Moon in Leo

August 23 to September 15 – Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

August 30 – Full Moon in Pisces


With the Sun passing through your 5th house, of hobbies and creativity, a month of excitement, leisure and happiness awaits you, but also a lot of motivation and productivity - that work-life balance that doesn't always fall into our laps. Take advantage of the Full Moon in Aquarius, the sign of optimism, and the fact that your planet, Mars, is in a happy moment with Jupiter, bringing you luck and hope for what you most desire. Make sure you have everything organized by August 23rd, as with the beginning of Mercury Retrograde it may seem more difficult to stick to or start new routines.

mpl'beauty product of the month: the After Sun stick , for your skin to recover from the many hours spent in the sun, with friends and doing what you love most.


Venus, your planet, is in retrograde movement, so it is important that you pay attention to your needs and be kind to yourself. The beginning of Virgo season , on the 23rd, attacks your house of pleasure and romance, so the energy will be more airy - and don't let Mercury Retrograde ruin the good vibe . It's all about embracing the unpredictable and knowing how to have fun, even in the midst of chaos.

mpl'beauty product of the month: Face Gua Sha Kit. If your goal is to take care of yourself, you deserve a great self-care ritual.


We start the month well, with the Full Moon in Aquarius, a sign with the same element as Gemini, reminding us that there are no limits to what we dream or desire and that anything is possible. The inspiration for achievement may even be greater from the 9th, with your planet, Mercury, aligning with Jupiter, planet of luck, confidence, faith and optimism. Take advantage of the New Moon in Leo to assimilate all this energy and define your intentions and an action plan towards achieving what you most want - see this ritual as a lifeline during Mercury Retrograde.

mpl'beauty product of the month: the Foco mix , to enhance your creativity and productivity.


The Full Moon in Aquarius, and the sun and Venus retrograde in your 2nd house, make finances and personal values ​​the focus at the beginning of August. Take the opportunity to clarify financial topics, but also everything involving confidence and self-esteem. If you feel that there is a challenge to be overcome, there is nothing like the energy of the New Moon, on the 16th, to help you plan and face it. The arrival of the Virgo season attacks your 3rd house, that of communication, so prepare yourself for non-stop requests. But... Mercury Retrograde starts on the same day, so double-checking is the watchword, to make sure that what you say and the things you mark on your agenda are right.

mpl'beauty product of the month: to relax when it seems like everyone is calling you and asking for your presence, a massage with the Body Gua Sha Mushroom .


Happy season! Energy and confidence are on your side, even with Venus Retrograde in your sign. Nothing can stop you and it's good to take advantage of the Full Moon, which shines in the house of relationships and partnerships, to reevaluate those that don't let your individuality stand out - something so important for your sign. The New Moon in Leo, joining the Sun and Venus Retrograde also in your sign, make this month even more special and ask you to follow your intuition in the month ahead, so that everything unfolds as you most desire. Entering Virgo season and Mercury Retrograde is like the end of the good life, and you will have to face responsibilities and the more serious side of life with some attention.

mpl'beauty product of the month: the Sol body highlighter , to celebrate the passage of this star through your sign.


Time to relax before your birthday. Take advantage of the Full Moon in Aquarius, an Air sign, to incorporate more freedom into your day-to-day life and stop clinging so much to the rules and seriousness typical of a Virgo. The New Moon will be ideal for a team and to reconnect with your most intimate and spiritual side, just in time to celebrate another year. With the Sun shining in your sign next month, you can embrace confidence and extra fun.

mpl'beauty product of the month: speaking of breaking out of your (beauty) routine, try a less conventional ritual, like the Cupping Kit .


You hardly even have to worry about having your planet, Venus, in retrograde motion, as Leo's energy is fueling your social life with full force. The Full Moon shines in your 5th house, so anything that involves embracing your creativity and authenticity is welcome. The Virgo season is approaching more calmly, with the sun in your 12th house activating your more introspective side. Resting, relaxing, spending time with yourself is all you need after a hyper social end of summer. But it is also true that Mars enters your sign on August 27th, igniting your ambition and power of initiative, all under another Full Moon. Perfect for improving work routines and finding balance with your personal life.

mpl'beauty product of the month: Cardamom toothpaste , for the perfect smile in every meeting with friends and family that this month promises.


Although Leo's energy is illuminating your professional sector, the Full Moon in Aquarius suggests that you focus on your private life, taking advantage of the fact that your planet, Mars, is in synergy with Jupiter, the planet of luck and hope. . You will have the necessary energy to make possible positive adjustments in this dimension. With the arrival of Virgo season, the focus will be on your social life and your need to surround yourself with a community that nurtures you in every aspect will increase. The New Moon in Pisces can be inspiring and give you the attention you need to develop creative projects.

mpl'beauty product of the month: _keep it simple _with Rosa deodorant stick , an everyday staple that you can never miss.


Whether it's the Full Moon in your house of communication, or your planet, Jupiter, being in synergy with the motivation of Mars, this beginning of the month is full of energy, inspiration and ideas. The Virgo season illuminates the professional sector and public life, making it the ideal time to focus on projects at hand and organize future plans (to be put into practice after Mercury Retrograde). The month ends with the Full Moon in Pisces and asks you to do an emotional check-up - what you feel, with whom you share your personal life, your space, your desires and your limits.

mpl'beauty product of the month: Pura Energia protein , to start each day well nourished and focused.


The month begins with the Full Moon shining brightly in the 2nd house, of finance and the material world. It is ideal for reflecting on what is important to you in this field and, who knows, renewing strategies. The New Moon, in mid-August, falls on the intimate 8th house, inviting you to rethink your personal limits and how aligned they are with your most authentic desires. This emotional “weight” will be relieved at the beginning of Virgo season, providing Capricorns with inspiration and freshness. End-of-summer adventures, being more flexible and being guided by your enthusiasm - these are all more than welcome! The end of the month also promises some excitement in the professional sector, with Mars passing through there.

mpl'beauty product of the month: to keep your skin protected on those end-of-summer adventures, pack the invisible sun lotion !


Start the month with a Full Moon in your sign, asking you to let yourself shine, without hesitation due to other people's expectations of you. The movements of Venus, the planet of romance, align with that of its planet, Uranus, and may bring some new aspects to the values ​​of the emotional world. You can and should take advantage of the New Moon in Leo to reflect on this topic and potentially be inspired by a new perspective on this sector of your life. On the 28th, your planet, Uranus, begins its retrograde movement, the right phase to process the turns of life in recent times.

mpl'beauty product of the month: the Calma drink , to be calm and present in moments of greatest reflection and change.


Start the month with a Full Moon ritual, which makes you escape from work and everyday life. Leo season puts the focus on your productivity, but Venus retrograde could raise questions about how and what you are investing valuable time and energy into. The New Moon on the 16th promises to give you clarity to draw your conclusions. With the arrival of the Sun in Virgo, the focus will be (even more) on your relationships, but Mercury Retrograde could destabilize the situation. Remember to control your sensitivity and try not to take everything so personally. The end of the month, with the Full Moon in your sign, is the perfect ending - no one has more power than you to lead your life and it's good that everyone (including yourself) is very clear about that!

mpl'beauty product of the month: the Brilha exfoliant , for a simple ritual that invites you to spend more time taking care of yourself, while putting your ideas in order in the shower.

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