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Precisamos mesmo de dormir mais do que os homens?

Do we really need to sleep more than men?

Sleeping is an essential function of the human body. But it's not always easy to get enough quality sleep. Whether it's because we're stressed or because we don't maintain a good sleep preparation routine (more on this in a moment), it's common to wake up and feel like we need another night's sleep to really be awake, right? And, in the case of women, the need and difficulty of getting a good night's sleep may be even greater.

What happens when we sleep?

Sleeping is essential for our brain and physique to recover, allowing us to be fit for the next day (and in the long term too). When we don't get enough sleep, we compromise concentration, mood, energy levels and reasoning. And also, sleeping poorly and/or little, consistently:

  • increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes;
  • increases cravings during the day;
  • increases insulin resistance and can make weight loss difficult (or even contribute to weight gain);
  • contributes to a higher prevalence of depression, anxiety and even dementia;
  • increases the risk of inflammation and oxidative stress in the body;
  • decreases libido;
  • compromises our autoimmune function.

Why are women different?

Hormonal changes. Whether they are more regular in life, such as menstruation or ovulation, or more punctual, such as pregnancy and menopause, they all change sleep architecture and the duration and quality of sleep cycles. Furthermore, while men's physical and mental recovery depends mainly on testosterone, women's is more impacted by hormones crucial to sleep cycles, namely insulin and growth hormone.

Continued lack of rest. Women tend to accumulate more functions and there are even studies that prove that female brain activity is greater, largely due to our multi-tasking . This ends up not allowing us to switch off as easily at bedtime. Furthermore, if you have already been a mother, you know that waking up at night to take care of your children drastically changes our sleeping posture, even after they are grown.

Greater tendency to suffer from insomnia. It is estimated that we are 40% more likely to suffer from insomnia than men. During puberty, for example, hormonal changes in the female body make them 3 times more susceptible to suffering from insomnia, compared to boys of the same age.

How to prepare the body to sleep better?

In addition to end-of-day routines, a good night's sleep is in preparation... from the moment we wake up!

Natural light when waking up. When we expose ourselves to sunlight when we wake up, we are giving a signal to our body that it can reduce the production of melatonin (important for falling asleep) and increase the production of cortisol , responsible for giving us energy in the morning . If you can, get 10 minutes of sunlight when you wake up, in the window, on the balcony or even on a quick walk.

Do not drink coffee after lunch time. Caffeine stimulates our body and can disrupt the production of cortisol, which will affect the quality and consistency of sleep. Try to drink coffee only in the first part of the day (preferably 1h30 after waking up) and then opt for other drinks. If you really feel like you need something stimulating, opt for matcha , as its release of caffeine in the body is very different.

Support sleep through nutrition. It's not news that eating it is essential for our overall health and, therefore, we can also choose some foods that facilitate sleep, rich in potassium, Vitamin D, magnesium, melatonin and tryptophan. Almonds, walnuts, bananas, fatty fish, cherries, eggs and yogurt are some of them.

Regulate the room temperature. Try to keep the room between 15ºC and 20ºC. Rooms or bedding that are too hot will affect your body temperature, making it difficult to fall asleep (or waking you up during the night). If you sleep in a very hot space, taking a cooler shower before bed can help (and using the Relax scrub is a bonus, as the lavender scent is highly relaxing).

Supplements with calming medicinal plants. Especially in the second part of the day, you can start taking some supplements with medicinal plants and adaptogens capable of calming the mind, reducing cortisol levels, improving mood and relaxing muscles. Swap your afternoon coffee or end the day with a cup of Calma and take Gotas Dormir at dinner time, preparing for a night's sleep.

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