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Dicas da Mafalda: Rotina Anti-aging

Mafalda Tips: Anti-Aging Routine

Now you can also hear these tips!
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Aging is part of life, but that does not mean that we cannot take care of the skin (and scalp - since this Ages 6 times faster than the face!) To keep everything firm, healthy and luminous.

For me, it's all a matter of consistency and choosing the right products. Their quality is very important to me in terms of skincare, in the tissues that seen and clear in food - always everything (as much) biological and natural. Here is my essential routine:

In the morning: wake up the skin and give it a boost of energy

  1. The first thing I do, I have to be honest, is scrape that I have noticed over time that is one of the simplest acts but make all the difference in oral health and especially breath.
  2. Then I turn to the skin of the skin - With the cleaning oil Jasmine, which spreads through the face while massage with the mushrooms gua shame. At age this massage became non-negotiable. It helps a lot to reduce chats and dark circles. so I try to do this daily lymphatic drainage Right in the morning to feel that I am more awakened and that everything on my face is wake up. But I'm not there! You mushrooms give to massage The remaining face when stimulating circulation, toning and redefining contours.
  3. I'm a true Matcha lover - Good thing it's considered an anti-aging elixir! Because there is no day that I don't drink a big cup of matcha morning. Rich in antioxidants, the Matcha It helps fight free radicals, keep your skin youthful and give that energy boost without causing stress peaks like coffee - everything I need for my day!

At night: height for Wind Down - decompress, Regenerate and take care of skin, mind and scalp!

  1. I don't lie down without a very hot cup CALM, true!! It helps me a lot to relax and sleep better.

  2. Another tip that all should be doing is scalp. To fill and stimulate hair growth but also relieve accumulated tension.

  3. I apply the Super Hair Serum and use the jade comb to stimulate circulation. How I get tired of saying the scalp also ages And over time, the wires lose density and vitality. Paying attention to the scalp is essential to maintaining strong and healthy hair, and this massage still helps to relax after an intense day.
  4. To clean The day (and pollution) of the face and neck. At night I return to jasmine oil (or best skin). I apply on the dry face, massage and then use cotton towel warm to remove all impurities. 
  5. Total Revitalization - I end up with all Revitalize Gama:
  • Essence To prepare the skin and enhance absorption

  • Serum for regeneration and firmness

  • Cream - And here I am generous! I always apply a good layer to moisturize and repair at night Tip of Esteé Lauder itself (which worked at heights where there were no invassive treatments - it was always a super hydration at night)

  • Caring for the body is also anti-aging - Lately, I've been using the Revitalize body oil, That besides being rapidly absorbed, it helps combat sagging and keep the skin nourished and luminous. I feel that as we get older, the skin gets drier .. and inevitably more flabby. This body oil helps super moisturize the skin, the difference happens in seconds and with a delicious and delicious smell to citrus. 

+ 5 essential anti-aging habits

1. STRESS MANAGEMENT - the cortisol Excessive accelerates aging. Simple techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or even being in nature help balance the nervous system and slow the aging process. I don't dispense with Super Woman Capsules They are truly "save lives", I feel a lot of stress and pressure in my daily life and these Capsules are almost like an anchor to make sure that I am not unbalanced my hormones in excess. 

2. Quality sleep - obsessed with sleep !! At night, the body regenerates, and this is reflected directly on the skin and hormonal imbalance. Creating a relaxing night ritual and avoiding screening before bed make a huge difference in sleep quality. I always sleep without screens next door and try to sleep at least 8 hours every night.

3. Sun exposure, but in moderation - The sun is essential for the production of vitamin D, fundamental for cellular regeneration, collagen synthesis and maintenance of firm and healthy skin. In addition, it contributes to the balance of Mental and Emotional Health. Whenever possible, I try to catch natural light daily and ideally watch the sunrise to help regulate the rhythm and optimize well-being.

4. Rich antioxidant food -What we eat is reflected directly on the skin. Betting on berries, green leaves, essential fatty acids (such as avocado and salmon) and reducing refined sugars makes all the difference.

5. Laugh more! -sounds simple, but stress and emotions are reflected on the face. Having moments of pleasure, connection and fun not only improves energy but makes us seem (and feel!) Younger.

The skin (and hair) reflects our daily care. Small rituals, great results. 

1 comment
- Sara Mendes Gomes

Muito obrigada :)

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