1. With clean and dry hair, use the dermaroller on the scalp, especially in the areas where you want to stimulate growth.
Applying slight pressure, move the roller perpendicular to the hair line and then horizontally. This will cross movements and increase their effectiveness.
2. Finish by placing the super -hair serum in the root. This will be absorbed more efficiently by bringing strength and health to your hair.
3. At the end of each use sterilize the dermaroller by plunging it into alcohol and let it dry. Store in the protective box.
Repeat this massage 2 to 3 times a week.
Do not use irritated or injured skin.
Sterilize the dermaroller with alcohol after each use - just dive the needles in a glass with ethyl alcohol and let it dry on a clean cloth.
Keep out of reach of children.
Always keep the dermaroller inside the box to preserve and ensure your hygiene.