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Como perder volume e inchaço?

How to lose volume and swelling?

Feeling a swollen belly and having a huge desire to undo the button on your pants is something that has happened to all of us. But, when abdominal bloating becomes regular, we have to pay attention to this signal that our body gives us. Just like when you hurt a muscle it swells, when we have some type of internal inflammation, one of our body's responses is swelling. It is important to try to decode the causes of your abdominal bloating and understand what you can do to improve the functioning of your body.

Why do I feel bloated?

There are several reasons, which can range from something more punctual to something that happens consistently, and which turns your swelling into something chronic.

  • Stress
  • Sleep badly
  • Eating too quickly and not chewing well
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Not eating enough fiber or eating too much fiber
  • After excesses (alcohol, fried foods, salt…)
  • Too little physical exercise or too much sitting
  • Hormonal changes during menstruation
  • Food intolerances, sensitivities or allergies
  • Imbalances in the microbiota, which inhibit the correct digestion of food and cause bacteria to produce gas

When swelling is a temporary symptom, we are dealing with acute inflammation, a mechanism of the immune system to respond to something it sees as an attack on the body. But, when we expose ourselves too much to small aggressions - a bad diet, low hydration, little physical movement and constant high levels of stress , for example - this inflammation can become chronic and swelling is combined with fatigue and lack of energy. , headaches, lack of concentration (the famous brain fog ), abdominal pain, skin problems … Anyway! Everything we try to avoid.

If you feel this is the case for you, you might consider trying natural herbal supplements to support the release of accumulated toxins, stimulate digestion and metabolism, reduce swelling and increase energy levels.

Start the day with Detox Drops : add 4 pipettes to one or more glasses of water, and drink on an empty stomach, after waking up. These drops contain just one ingredient: chlorophyll. Rich in antioxidants , it strengthens the intestinal flora, the immune system and the liver. Improves digestion and supports the fluid release of toxins from the body.

Complete Breakfast with Super Feminina : this powdered mix contains everything you need to start the day: vegetable protein, enzymes and your daily dose of greens . Perfect for keeping you satiated and maintaining good intestinal transit .

Include medicinal plants: Detox Capsules are an easy way to consume medicinal plants known to support the digestive system, boost metabolism and digestion, and stimulate the release of toxins . Ideal for maintaining regular intestinal transit and preventing constant abdominal bloating. Super practical to take, as they have no flavor and can be taken at any time of the day, with or without food.

Use Digestion Drops as an SOS: ideas after a heavier meal, after hours or on stressful days, when we know that our body is more reactive to what we eat.

Remember that consistency is key and you should try these routines for at least 3 months. And, in addition, you must combine them with a healthy lifestyle:

Drink more water : this is a common tip for so many problems in our body because it is so fundamental. It helps maintain our energy levels, control weight and appetite and eliminate accumulated toxins. Water consumption will always have to be higher for someone who does a lot of exercise or if they consume too much coffee or tea, which cause dehydration.

Real food: A diet rich in plants feeds the good bacteria in our gut. On the other hand, if you avoid processed food, you will be avoiding added salt, sugar and fat, which do not help our digestion. It doesn't have to be difficult or boring: you simply have to feel the benefits and transform a healthy “diet” into a lifestyle.

If you suspect you may have a food intolerance, perhaps an elimination diet can help you draw some conclusions.

Eat calmly: try to have a timetable for your meals and don’t eat when stressed or distracted (yes, that includes scrolling through Instagram while eating). Chew each food well and avoid drinking during the meal, especially carbonated or very cold drinks, which end up delaying digestion by diluting gastric juices .

Improve sleep: try to always go to bed at the same time and do something peaceful before bed, such as meditating or reading a book. No screens, intense films and series or difficult-to-digest news. Prepare your night's sleep and, if necessary, try Gotas Dormir .

Include spices in your meals: in addition to helping to reduce salt content, which can cause fluid retention, spices support good digestion. Black pepper with turmeric , cardamom , cinnamon and ginger are some of them. Even good dark chocolate, with all the antioxidants from raw cocoa, is allowed!

Include more probiotics: fermented vegetables, kombucha, naturally fermented bread… They have inflammatory properties and help maintain the balance of the intestinal microbiota. You can learn how to make your own in this workshop .

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