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Spring has arrived and with it one of the most astrologically intense months of the year. Get ready, because April brings eclipses, Mercury in retrograde motion messing up our plans, a powerful clash between Mars and Saturn, and an encounter between Jupiter and Uranus that will awaken consciences. It's a lot of upheaval, but also the perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you, release ties and discover that anything is possible when we are aligned with our truth.


Dear Aries, April is your month, and it's perfect for reconnecting with yourself! Your ruling planet, Mars, will be in Pisces for most of April, inviting you to flow in the waters of emotion, slow down a bit and see if you're in tune with your true desires and needs.

But an Aries will always be an Aries, full of drive and independence. The career sector will also be in focus, with plenty of opportunities to shine and even reap the rewards of your work. Between ambition and rest, balance is key. Set out to conquer the world, yes, but don't forget to take care of yourself.

Product of the month: With your ruler Mars in Pisces throughout April, you'll feel a little scattered and less energetic than usual. Take the opportunity to take care of yourself and awaken your skin in preparation for summer with the anti-cellulite and anti-stretch mark exfoliator. Awaken: Coffee scrub.


April won't be the easiest month in the world for you, dear Taurus, with the planets moving in somewhat challenging ways. Mercury retrograde from the 1st and the solar eclipse on the 8th may make you feel stagnant, but the answer lies in you. Let yourself flow, hold on to the present moment and trust the process.

There's a somewhat dreamy energy in the air, and towards the end of the month a very rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (the last one was 14 years ago) happens in your sign and could be the boost you've been waiting for to inspire you.

Another positive aspect is that the beautiful Venus, ruler of your sign, is passing through your V house these days, encouraging you to explore your more creative side and playful activities, and to connect more with the children in your life, and everything that makes your heart smile (including passions!).

Product of the month: On the 21st a rare conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in your sign encourages you to expand your most authentic side. Shine even brighter with ISea Body Luminizer.



April is a busy month when it comes to social life. This is great for the chatty and curious Gemini, but this month you'll feel the need to reflect on your place in the community or in your circle of friends. It will be a time of reflection that will open up a new stage in your life.

With your ruling planet, Mercury, in retrograde motion for most of the month, it's important to be alert to miscommunications and possible misunderstandings. Of course, it's also possible that the messenger of the zodiac will invite you to reconnect with someone from the past (after all, you're going backwards from Earth) and that's wonderful, if it's what your heart dictates. Live in the moment and be grateful for all the connections and opportunities in your life. Even if Mercury plays tricks on you, Gemini women always have the last word!

Product of the month: Mercury retrograde will bring you opportunities to reconnect with people from your past. Social life brings you plenty of opportunities, and often it all starts with looking. Try our Best Skin Eye Serum and see for yourself.


In April, the cosmic dance continues, and you're likely to feel caught up in this whirlwind of emotions. The solar eclipse on the 8th could also bring some important revelations, so get ready, dear Crab.

If you feel a little discouraged at the beginning of the month, exercise your self-esteem and demand the recognition you deserve. Your characteristic shyness may cause you some obstacles, but speak up!

Career is in the spotlight this month, and this is the ideal cosmic moment to set your course and remove any impediments that may be holding back your progress. The full moon will shine in Scorpio, and this will illuminate your passions, encouraging you to connect with what makes your heart smile. Trust, dear Crab, and start shining!

Product of the month: April is an excellent month to focus on your career, especially strengthening international connections. To ensure that your skin always reflects this inner energy, we recommend the Cupping Kitkit to shape and sculpt your face.


Dear Leo, April is a powerful month in which you'll be able to shine even more than usual. That is, of course, if you know how to take advantage of opportunities and navigate favorable tides. This is no time to hold back! Explore and expand your horizons.

The Sun will be in Aries at the beginning of the month, and will transit into Taurus, illuminating the more public part of your chart, with a focus on your career. This is the time to make things happen and reap the rewards of what you have sown. Particularly towards the end of the month, when a meeting between Jupiter and Uranus could create an unexpected (and fruitful!) turnaround in your career. It's time to show your most vibrant and majestic side, dear Leo, because the world is your stage and the spotlight is on you

Product of the month: The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in your 10th house brings a relevant event in your career. Jupiter's protective influence promises something positive. To accentuate your royal vibe, try our Super Hair Serum.


April is an intense month, and in your case, dear Virgo, this energy will be very strong. April invites you to take all the skeletons out of the closet and resolve all pending issues, starting with those you have to resolve deep down inside. Virgos are naturally at the service of others, but this is the time to accept your vulnerability and be understanding of yourself.

Take advantage of Mercury's retrograde movement to embrace your more introspective side and review the past. Always calmly and serenely. Remember that every time you close a door, a window opens. What chapter needs to be closed for something new to begin in your life?

Product of the month: With its ruler Mercury in retrograde motion for practically the whole month, April invites some introspection and revision. Take care of yourself from the inside out with our Beauty Drops.


Relationships are in the spotlight in April, dear Libra. And that's just wonderful for you, who can't live without "the other". It's time to test and strengthen all kinds of bonds and the eclipse on the 8th on the Aries-Libra axis is an invitation to do just that. Between individuality and commitment, where do we stand? Without giving up your diplomacy, don't stop saying what you feel, become a little more assertive, set boundaries and redefine your relationships.

The highlight, without a doubt, is the transit of Venus, your ruling planet, in the sign of Aries for most of the month. This brings a super positive vibe to your relationships, the playful side will also be accentuated and there will be a lot of harmony in the air. Enjoy!

Product of the month: Venus in your opposite sign of Aries will bring relationships into focus. It will bring some challenges, but also opportunities, and we want you to look your best at all times. Try including Best Skin Nourishing Cleansing Oil and see the results.



Dear Scorpio, what a magnetic month! This is because in April, the full moon will fall right in your sign. Full Moons are moments of fullness and the completion of cycles: take the opportunity to release any junk or tension you have with you (even if that means looking your dark side in the face, but that's easy for a Scorpio).

The passage of Mars, one of your ruling planets, through the sign of Pisces will awaken your creativity and also create some opportunities in the love sector, especially for those who are alone. Seize the moment and start shaping your dreams! 

Product of the year: April is an incredible month to develop your most creative side, and even start to materialize your most daring dreams. Reveal your solar side with ISun Body Luminizer.



Sagittarius, April is a perfect month to unleash your social animal and reveal all your optimism and spontaneity. Your adventurous spirit is incredibly attractive, but don't get too carried away. Also watch out for old friends reappearing (Mercury retrograde, hello), not all that glitters is gold! And Sagittarians are too future-oriented to be fooled by bouts of nostalgia.

This month is really ideal for getting back into the swing of things and feeling again what makes you tick and makes you really happy. Jupiter's approach to Uranus will make you rethink a lot of things. Once you see things from a new perspective, a whole new world of possibilities opens up. This is your chance, let the game begin!

Product of the month: The meeting of your ruler, Jupiter, with rebellious Uranus will put the focus on your work-life balance. Maybe it's time to make a little revolution in your life and why not start by removing everything that's stagnant on your skin with a detox massage with our Body Brush?


It's true, Capricorn women are probably the most ambitious of the zodiac, but this month the stars are pointing in a slightly different direction. It's your more intimate sphere - your family, your roots, your home - that's the focus, rather than your career. It's your chance to take a break, take care of your most personal universe and reconnect with what really matters to you.

But don't worry, you don't have to drop all your responsibilities like there's no tomorrow. Basically, it's just Saturn, which happens to be your ruling planet, taking a vacation in the sign of Pisces, where everything is much more diluted. It could be time to balance work and personal well-being and care. Also in your home, there may be some setbacks demanding your attention. Both literally and metaphorically. Whether it's a blocked drain or a family issue, the important thing is to find balance and give up a little of your need for control. Try letting things flow and see how harmoniously everything works out!

Product of the month: Family will be in focus this April and encounters with your closest beings may bring some surprises. To keep in the right mood, try our CSuper Woman Capsules.



Dear Aquarius, in April the vibes are very mental and even intellectual, which is incredible for an air sign like yours, with a tendency to intellectualize everything, even emotions. But there's a lot of fun in store for you, too. Your mind will be particularly awake, alert and lively and this is an excellent time to exercise it, or to feed it with a good book or an exciting conversation.

In a month when communication is in the spotlight, remember to relax a little in this area too. This is because Mercury retrograde can cause some communication problems, so be careful and respect your efforts and the limits of others.

The big moment of the month is the very rare conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus. This meeting takes place in the sign of Taurus, but it is especially relevant for you because Uranus, the most electrifying planet in the zodiac, is your ruler. For Aquarians, this is the time to reconnect with your roots, your deepest identity, increase your emotional stability and take care of your well-being.

Product of the month: One of the focus points in April is communication. Siblings, neighbors, your immediate environment and also education will be in the spotlight. With so many requests, our Best Skin Serum is wonderful for that instant lifting effect.



Finances are in focus this month, dear Pisces, and Mercury retrograde accentuates this energy, inviting you to re-evaluate the way you are earning money and managing what you earn.

Beyond the material world, April is perfect for that spring clean, around you (de-clutter, de-clutter) but also within you.

The eclipse on the 8th brings new beginnings (perhaps a little drastically for a sensitive sign like yours, but you have to), and the idea is to trust and see what the Universe has in store for you. It's very important to align yourself with your purpose and be receptive!

Jupiter's encounter with Uranus will breathe new life, perhaps unexpectedly, into the area of knowledge, learning and even travel. Don't be afraid and go on an adventure. Who knows what might be in store for you?

Product of the month: April brings opportunities for travel, foreign contacts, and anything that means broadening your horizons. To give your skin everything it needs, pack the Best Skin Cream.

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