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De Dentro Para Fora com Mafalda Pinto Leite

From the Inside Out with Mafalda Pinto Leite

First of all I would like to thank EVERYONE!!! For being there. Your company, whether here on the blog or through the use of the products and all your positive feedback, has been my pillar, my compass for creating and sharing new things.

It's been a few years since I shared my "From the Inside Out". With the turn of this year, I wanted to share what I've been enjoying lately. I hope you enjoy. Happy 2024! May it truly be a wonderful year for everyone.

From the Inside Out with Mafalda Pinto Leite


Sign: Crab 

Season: Summer without hesitation 

A color: Aqua blue 

A book: I've been "listening" to books lately, to make the most of the time in traffic. I'm finishing several hours of Shoe Dog by Phil Knightthe story of Nike. I loved it, but it's definitely a genre. 

A movie: EMMA by Jane Austen. I love this movie. This year I also re-watched a lot of classics, various films and this (The Philadelphia Story) with Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant will live on in my heart.

A song: Unfortunately I listen to very little music these days. E this by Clarice Falcão and Silva is one of the few that I can go back to without getting sick of it.  

An object: My Kitchen Aid Pink. It's been with me for over 15 years without disappointing me.  

Favorite place in the world: Anywhere warm, with a paradise beach and good food. Madeira without a doubt, I really like REID's. And in Brazil TXAI in Itacaré.

Inside Out with Mafalda Pinto Leite


Who and what inspires you? All the crazy people in this world who started businesses that were an internal "calling" and after many years of work and sacrifice those same projects became renowned brands/companies. Women like Estee Lauder, Emily Weiss and Martha Stewart.

What have you yet to create? I can't stop creating, and that's what motivates me every day, the visions that live inside me. 

How do you maintain your creativity? Balance, realizing that there are times to be super creative, and others when we have to "knead bread" - a Native American saying, which basically explains that embracing everyday routines - which may seem more "mundane" but which help to rest the head and open up space to create. 

From the Inside Out with Mafalda Pinto Leite


First thing to do when you wake up: It never fails! 1 or 2 cups of Matcha always with almond milk. Toast with butter, usually with fresh bread. Bicho Pão or Marquito in Ferrel. Come sunshine or rain I have to drink my matcha and eat my bread.

How to relax at the end of the day: Either cooking, or watching an episode of British Bake Off

A place to switch off: Walking on a beach in Peniche.

Favorite physical exercise: My work is quite physical, a lot of time spent on my feet walking and lifting weights, so I don't feel sedentary. So my favorite exercise is definitely a nice walk by the sea.

How do you release stress? Cooking, I've been "gaining a taste" again, there were a few years when I lost a bit of that love for cooking that I had at the beginning. But now I've gone back to old books and new experiences. But also in conversations with my husband, preferably eating sushi from the Sushi Fish in Peniche.

A woman who inspires you: Nancy Meyers and Emily Weiss.

From the Inside Out with Mafalda Pinto Leite


Your ideal diet is... in winter brown rice, well-seasoned beans and vegetables. In summer, seasonal fruit.

What you always have in the fridge: Organic eggs, whole cow's milk, vegetables of all colors and shapes - always in season.

Dinner-saver recipe: Pasta with tomato sauce. I only use pasta Rummo and tomato Muttiall my children ask to eat.

Favorite drink: Kombucha from THAT Kombucha e CHAI 

Favorite snack: I'm not much of a snacker.

Favorite restaurant: I eat at home a lot.

Favorite cookbooks: At the moment obsessed (maybe always) with the Violet Cakes the latest book, Molly Katzen's Moosewood Restaurant (I've been using this book for over 20 years).

From the Inside Out with Mafalda Pinto Leite


Icon of beauty: Audrey Hepburn.

An essential piece of clothing: Good jeans - I work hard moving them around and they really are super durable - I only wear DÔEN.

What's not missing from your beauty routine: Essence, serum e cream - obsessed with the new Essential Face Kit. And of course the pink cream deodorant (I wouldn't give it up for anything!)

Favorite MPL'beauty product: Difficult to choose as I love them all. O Jasmine and rose deodorant cream are ones I can't live without!

How do you feel prettier? Brunette, on vacation at the beach.

From the Inside Out with Mafalda Pinto Leite

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