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Acne, hormonas e dieta. 5 passos para acabar com a Acne

Acne, hormones and diet. 5 steps to get rid of acne

Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are. This maxim applies to so many things in life, to our health and well-being, and of course to our skin. Although the causes of acne are not always easy to determine, science tells us that hormonal issues (particularly excess male hormones) and diet (particularly excess carbohydrates in the form of sugars) can have a disastrous effect on the balance of our skin, causing oil levels to skyrocket, causing irritation and inflammation, and the dreaded, unsightly pimples.

The good news is that although there are so many factors at play in creating the "perfect storm" on our skin (and stress is one of them!) there is a way to counteract acne. In this article we explain how to eliminate acne from your life in 5 simple steps.

Acne, hormones and diet. 5 steps to get rid of acne

1. Discover the power of probiotics

It has been proven that an important part of our health begins in the intestines, which is why it is so important to take care of our digestive system so that it works well and efficiently. Natural ferments and probiotics are excellent for lining your intestines with millions of good bacteria that strengthen your immune system. A good tip: kombucha, yes! In the field of probiotics, probably the most delicious of all is Matcha, which has incredible amounts of polyphenols, which naturally support the proliferation of good bacteria in the intestines, while inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. In this article we explain everything about Matcha and how to incorporate this powerful green tea into your daily life.

2. Get rid of inflammation

Science tells us that sugar is one of the main causes of tissue inflammation, so you need to keep it under control. Contrary to what many people think, chocolate doesn't cause pimples. But sugar does! So balance your body's insulin levels by reducing or eliminating gluten from your diet and radically cutting out processed sugars. Your skin will thank you, as it will no longer be a breeding ground for the (harmful) bacteria that cause acne. With inflammation levels under control, you'll see your skin breathe and glow!

3. Support your intestinal transit

One of the functions of digestion is to eliminate toxins. The proteins and toxins that we can't eliminate through the intestines often end up being "expelled" through the skin in the form of pimples and acne. Therefore, maintaining a healthy colon to eliminate all waste, strengthening intestinal transit, will leave you lighter and with more radiant skin. To help your body in this process (and see the result on your skin!) try the Super Detox Capsulesbased on medicinal plants that stimulate digestion and the release of toxins, or the Detox Soluble Drinkwith Milk Thistle, Spirulina and Wheatgrass, ideal for taking before bed, when the body is getting ready to do its daily cleanse and get rid of toxins!

4. Harmonize your hormones

Acne, hormones and diet. 5 steps to get rid of acne

Hormonal changes are one of the main causes of acne, so keeping our hormones happy is one of the best things we can do for our skin. Excess estrogen, for example, is clearly linked to acne. Reducing or eliminating soy from your diet (soy stimulates estrogen production) and increasing your consumption of cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli and cauliflower) that help control this hormone can help a lot. Also in this logic of acting from the inside out, our Super Skin Capsulesformulated with Amia, Schisandra and Shatavari, are a powerful antioxidant formula that will slow down skin ageing and stimulate collagen production, correcting imperfections and supporting skin regeneration, which is extremely important for acne-prone skin.

5. Give your skin what it needs

Acne, hormones and diet. 5 steps to get rid of acne

Our skin is like an ecosystem that we need to protect and keep in balance. That's why it's so important to make a conscientious choice of the products we use to cleanse, tone and moisturize our skin, especially in the case of acne-prone skin. To cleanse the skin while respecting its natural protective barrier, we recommend our Camellia Cleansing Kitwith our specific cleansing oil for sensitive and reactive skin, Camelliawhich cleanses the skin gently and deeply without damaging it, also helping to balance the skin's pH, and the 100% organic cotton facial towel, to remove all dirt and impurities without causing damage, leaving the skin super soft. The next step is give your skin all the hydration it needs, but without clogging your pores. Our facial serum Repairsspecially formulated for oily, sensitive and acne-prone skin, is perfect. With Blue Tansy, known for its soothing properties, it will deeply moisturize, fight imperfections, reduce pores and inflammation, and help reverse acne naturally, giving your skin everything it needs and nothing it doesn't. Apply 2 to 4 drops in an upward motion and watch your skin glow. Apply 2 to 4 drops to the face in upward strokes and watch your skin glow. And to finish off in beauty, and help regenerate your skin while you sleep, add the anti-acne serum to your routine Cosmic Nightwith essential oils with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and activated charcoal to remove impurities and cleanse deeply.

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