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Tudo sobre Matcha (para um ano cheio de foco)

All about Matcha (for a year full of focus)

It has an incredible flavor, a beautiful color, and is one of the most powerful antioxidants on the face of the earth. It's called Matchaand it's a type of Japanese tea - green and powdered - that first became known thanks to the traditional tea ceremony in the Land of the Rising Sun (where it's mixed in a bowl with some bamboo sticks), before making its way into the world's mouths, as a superfood widely used in smoothies, recipes, and of course, deliciousness Matcha Latte.

But it's much more than that. Because it's a concentrate of nutrients (and tastes incredible, we've already said!) Matcha is an essential ingredient in a healthy lifestyle, to nourish yourself inside and out. Here's how.

 All about Matcha

A super antioxidant

Anyone who loves tea knows that this drink is wonderful for calming the mind, leaving us in a state of alertness but without anxiety, while at the same time bringing comfort, facilitating digestion and helping to eliminate toxins.

Like black tea, oolong tea, white tea and other green teas, the Matcha comes from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis, which grow in Asia. The difference lies in the processing: while the leaves of other types of tea are oxidized, in Matcha the leaves are lightly steamed before being dried, preserving the natural antioxidants in an even purer state.

And why are antioxidants so important? Because they are nature's way of helping us stop the oxidation of cells, which causes premature ageing and various diseases. Because it is especially rich in a type of antioxidant called flavonoids, in particular the catechins EGCG (the Matcha has 100 times more EGCG than "normal" green teas), Matcha has enormous health benefits and helps burn calories by boosting metabolism, promotes concentration and focus, and improves cognitive performance and even mood.

A gentle boost

All Camellia teas contain a little caffeine, but it's another nutrient, L-theanine, that makes all the difference. This amino acid induces a sense of calm that is the perfect complement to the energy of caffeine. That's why tea offers that subtle balance between tranquillity and alertness. And Matcha more!

 If you haven't thought about it, take a look at Matcha is a wonderful substitute for coffee. In Matcha, caffeine is metabolized more slowly, with less impact on the central nervous system, eliminating the "ups and downs" of coffee. And without staining your teeth!

 Matcha leaves grow in shady areas (which explains their fresh green color, long live chlorophyll!) and are naturally rich in L-theanine. Matcha is a powder obtained exclusively from these most precious, unprocessed leaves. It contains all the benefits of tea, but in a very powerful concentration. That morning energy boost, combined with focus and deep serenity? Yes, it's Matcha.

More Matcha in your life

Now that you know more about this fabulous ingredient, you'll definitely want to know how you can incorporate it into your life! As well as using our Matcha powder in countless recipes (smoothies, cookies, cakes and even ice cream), discovering all its versatility and flavor, you can prepare your Matcha Latte with the Foco Soluble Blendwhere you'll find all the benefits of Matcha, combined with adaptogens such as Hericium and Ashawagandha, to achieve a clearer, more awake and agile mind. Another option is Creativity protein blendan all-plant protein with Matcha and other plants and adaptogens, to stimulate the body-brain connection, awaken mental clarity and creative energy. If you can't resist a good chocolate, try our Botanical Chocolate formulated with Imperial Grade Matcha, decorated with flower petals and dehydrated fruit, which will gently lift your spirits. And if you want to feel the stimulating energy of Matcha on your skin, try our body scrub Stimulatesbody scrub, based on Matcha and essential oils, for an unforgettable detox!

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