The importance of perspiring

Perspire it's essential. Although it was more convenient not to have to worry about it, the truth is that it is vital to our organism and, as our language gives us clues in what is happening inwardly, too, too our sweat It is an indicator of our health.

The kidneys, liver and intestines are organs responsible for eliminating toxins and everything that is excessive, that the body does not use. If our digestion is not 100%, if it does not hydrate enough, if the liver and the kidneys cannot perform their cleaning function, this will be noted in the odor of our perspiration (If you want to know how you can smell better, you can read more here). And the problem is When we resort to deodorant With synthetic perfumes to cover the stench or anti -transpiring that block our glands, thus preventing our body from liberating sweat - a vital function! In addition to being able to cause skin irritation, for example, they may even affect our central and hormonal nervous system, and are especially harmful to women because they can increase the risk of breast cancer. 

Therefore, the best way to keep armpits free of bad odors is across Natural Ingredients that neutralize bad odors but allow the body to transpire it. It may be safe when choosing a deodorant In the MPL'beauty store, because everyone fulfills this rule! The first formula we created was the pink, in cream format, but we already have several options in the store and, more recently, some of them in Stick format - At the request of many!

  • Pink - Format cream or stick, contains sodium bicarbonate as a neutralizing agent. The pink extract keeps clean and fragrant armpits, and cocoa butter keeps the skin hydrated and smooth.

  • Deodorant tangerine - Format cream or stickalso with baking soda and clay to absorb perspiration with a wonderful citrus perfume.

  • Sensitive deodorant, deodorant cream formulated for sensitive skin, which sometimes react to baking soda. This formula contains zinc and clay as neutralizing agents and blue tansy oil, with soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Deodorant calms, shaped cream or stick, also for sensitive skin. No baking soda and activated charcoal to control bad odors, it has a wonderful aroma to lavender and vanilla.

It is also worth paying attention to some factors that may be smelling too intense to your sweat:

Food and digestion

It is super important to have a varied and balanced diet, and keep our digestion fluid. To help maintain balanced digestion and improve body odor, there is a magical ingredient that helps, and a lot - Detox drops. A chlorophyll present in these drops It helps keep body odor more enjoyable and improves the body's natural toxin cleaning process. You can know more about the benefits From this ingredient here

Perhaps you have even repaired differences in your bodily odor After eating certain things. And it's not your impression: what we eat and drink, and even some vitamins, change our odor. It is not supposed to cut these foods from our diet, but if you feel that you have too intense and strongly smelling, there may be some foods that can eat less often to mitigate this discomfort. 

  1. Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, sprouts and cauliflower contain sulfur or sulphur. When our body is digesting these vegetables, sweat can have a sulfuric smell. It can minimize the effects by giving a first short cooking in boiling salt water. Then you can join them normally to the other foods.

  2. Red meat: Our body has to make a greater effort to digest red meats, which can make it sweat more and with a more intense odor.

  3. Alcohol: Alcohol is metabolized in the body and transformed into ethanoate or ethanoic acid which, when processed, can give a particular odor to sweat.

  4. Fish: Some fish, such as tuna or salmon, have vitamin B18 (hill), which can give a slight smell to fish to their sweat.

  5. Processed foods: As they are rich in refined sugars, they can alter the composition and odor of our perspiration.

  6. Low carbohydrate intake: Leaving the hydrates aside is an easy way to lose weight, because the body focuses on burning fat. But during the process, it produces a chemical that makes sweat smell slightly fruity or varnish, depending on one's body.

  7. Vitamins: If you eat too much B -complex vitamins, you can see that sweat gets a slight smell to fish. 



When we are under stress or anxiety, it is normal for us to exude more. In fact, we have two types of sweat glands, Éricans and apocrines. Éricans are triggered when it is very hot and body has to produce sweat to cool. Apocrines are triggered to release sweat after some tense situation, being richer in fatty acids and proteins. Initially, it may not smell bad, but, as it does not evaporate so easily, it can develop bad odors when in contact with bacteria on the skin. If you have felt more anxiety and stress, try the mixture CALM. It is cocoa Delicious helps stay calmer and more relaxed.

Hormonal fluctuations

It must have already felt that expiration more or less for a few heights of the month and even with a odor different. The truth is that hormonal fluctuations have a huge impact (you can find out if you have a Hormonal imbalance in this post). To help balance the hormonal system, you can try the capsules Super woman. Just take 2 a day and you will be consuming a series of fabulous medicinal plants to balance your body and mind. All women would benefit from this mixture!