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5 natural forms to reduce cellulite at home

Cellulite is a natural condition of the skin, affecting more than 90% of women at some point in life. Although it is common, many of us seek effective ways to reducing cellulite and improve the firmness of the skin.

Its origin may be related to factors hormonal, genetic, stress, poor circulation or unhealthy life habits. But the good news is that there are natural methods to improve your appearance, helping the skin becoming firmer and toned.

Find out now 5 effective ways to reduce cellulite at home!1. Activate the lymphatic system with dry brushing

One of the best techniques to help Reduce liquid and toxins retention is the dried brushing. This beauty ritual stimulates circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage, improving skin texture.

How to do:

  • Use a body brush natural.

  • Brush the skin with ascending movements, always toward the heart.

  • Perform this ritual before the bath, at least 3 to 4 times a week.

THE BODY BRUSH WITH CABLE It is essential for those who want a smoother, firm and uniform skin!

2. Exfoliate to stimulate cell renewal


THE body exfoliation It is an essential step in improving skin texture and stimulating natural collagen production.

The Benefits of Exfoliation:

  • Removes dead cells and impurities.

  • Improves the absorption of oils and creams.

  • Promotes Skin circulation and firmness.

  • Stimulates the natural production of collagen.

Try the Awaken scrub, enriched with coffee and plum kakadu, which helps mitigate cellulite and standardize skin tone.

Tip: Exfoliate the skin 1 to 2 times a week, with circular motions, focusing on the most prone to cellulite.

3. Massage and moisturize with reaffirming oils

Hydration is critical for a skin more elastic and firm. Allied to massage, it helps activate circulation and stimulate lymphatic drainage.

How to enhance the results:

THE Firm kit It is ideal for a complete reaffirmating ritual, combining the Firmly with the Body shame. These two allies help to tone, drain toxins and reduce liquid retention, visibly improving cellulite.

Another excellent option is the Revitalizes Body Kit, which includes a mushroom gua shame of jade for deep massage and the Revitalize oil, formulated with Squalane, Glass and Galagal Essential Oilfor a draining and reaffirmating action.

4. Exercise and maintain a balanced diet

A balanced routine is essential to reducing cellulite lastly. Physical activity and healthy eating They help keep the skin firm and improve blood circulation.

The best cellulite exercises:

  • HIIT and strength training to tone and increase muscle mass.

  • Running or walking to stimulate circulation.

  • Yoga and Pilates to improve skin elasticity.

In food, avoid Excess salt, sugar and processed foods. Give preference to foods rich in fibers, magnesium and potassium, as:

  • Flaxseed seeds, whole grains and dry fruits.

  • Dark -leaf legumes and vegetables.

  • Fresh fruits, especially citrus and red fruits.

5. Moisturize to keep the skin firm

Water is essential to keep the skin firm, hydrated and elastic. To drink At least 2 liters of water per day Helps eliminate toxins and improve fluid retention.

Tip: Not to forget, always have a Thermos and create the habit of drinking water throughout the day.


Decreasing cellulite naturally is possible with the right combination of beauty routines, skin care and healthy habits. Bet on rituals like dry brushing, exfoliation, hydration and massages, allied to a balanced lifestyle for visible results.

Start today and see the difference in your skin!


1 comment
- Paula Oliveira

Boa tarde

Venho fazer uma reclamação, com todo o respeito, pois adoro os vossos produtos. Recentemente fiz uma encomenda, comprei a máscara facial luminosa e acontece que a textura desta está demasiado húmida e não consigo espalhar o creme na pele. O produto fica nos dedos e não adere à pele do rosto, sendo que não a consegui utilizar. Já comprei e usei esta máscara anteriormente e nunca tinha acontecido. Haverá algum truque que possa fazer para conseguir colocar a máscara ou devo devolver o produto para vocês verificarem?

Nesta mesma encomenda comprei o creme de rosto regenera e não consigo abrir a tampa. O que devo fazer?

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