Why use natural products in the mouth?

Our mouth is a gateway into our body. This is where our digestive system begins, and is also linked to the endocrine, immune and respiratory systems. Therefore, everything we eat (and the chemicals used to produce food), the air we breathe, the quality of the water, our oral hygiene (chemistry or natural)… All this leaves a trail in the oral microbiome That, when unbalanced or completely redefined by a new bacterial pattern, can signal through local problems such as gingivites, cavities or bad breath, or immune problems, hormonal and inflammation in other areas of the body. 

Unfortunately, Toothpastes and conventional elixions are full of chemical ingredients that interfere with our natural oral microbiome. We are used to using products that make foam, which give us the feeling of well washed, but this is usually done thanks to chemicals.

When we think of oral hygiene, toothpaste is the first thing that comes to mind. I always found it strange to read in the toothpaste tubes the alerts to ingestion. How do I control this in a child, for example? And why will I trust a product that supposedly cleans my mouth and inside my body makes me bad? Furthermore, The interior of our mouth is composed of highly absorbent tissues, with direct connection to our blood vessels. So when we put chemicals in your mouth, we are giving them a shortcut to be easy and highly absorbed.


Therefore, I dedicated myself to creating totally natural oral hygiene products, which are already available individually, but also in the Teeth kit.



 Why clean the tongue?

According to Ayurvedic medicine, tongue is a diagnostic organ, a mirror from the interior of our body. During sleep, our body does its cleaning and detox work, and there are toxins that accumulate in the tongue. It is very important to remove them with the scraper As soon as we wake up, before we swallow anything.


Why do Pulling Oil?

Is Ancestral Practice of Ayurvedic Medicine, that consists of Clean the toxins and bacteria of the mouth with oil. Originally with sunflower and sesame oils, but a lot of coconut oil is also used. Just put a tablespoon in your mouth after using the scraper, and mouthwash for at least 3 minutes (originally 20!). It is normal for the oil to come out yellowish, which means it retained all the impurities of the mouth. This practice It can also help alleviate tension in the TMJ, for people with bruxism, for example, to heal damaged and bloody gums and to calm irritated throats.

In the formula of our ELIXIR WHITE we use coconut and sesame oils and essential oils, such as cardamom, with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits, very important for protect gums. Make Pulling in the morning and evening and feel your mouth cleaner and fresh.

VERY IMPORTANT: After riding, do not lay the elixir out directly to the washbasin, because it is oily and can clog the pipes. Put on a piece of paper and pour to the trash. 


Why use a salty toothpaste?

It is one of those things we have heard since kids: sugar is bad for teeth. And it's true. Of the various bacteria in our mouth, Streptococcus mutans stand out, much found in the oral cavity of those who eat a lot of sugar. This bacteria metabolizes sugar and synthesizes acids that act in the mineral structure of the tooth, creating the famous tooth decay. Therefore it does not make sense that conventional toothpastes are sweet. 

In the formula of our Toothpaste cardamom We use salt, to balance the pH of the mouth, not allowing the proliferation of sugar bacteria. In fact, an ancient common practice was to make with salt and salt, precisely because it is a Oral disinfectant. 

Bamboo toothbrush

It is an object that we have to use every day and that if it is ease. Have you ever thought about the amount of plastic that lies out regularly? Bamboo toothbrushes start (fortunately) to see each other more and more and I'm really happy to have one in the store, just arrived! To complete your oral hygiene ritual and make it more sustainable.

Take advantage of today's Live discount (23 March) to get 20% off all oral care products. Put the Boca20 code to exit the store. Discount valid until Friday, March 24th end of the day.