Our anti-cellulite routine!

Cellulite, are you?

Early sunny days, early days with your legs out and ... Is it panicked when you see cellulite on your legs? First Step: Breathe deep and normalize cellulite. Almost all people have and, in most cases, it is genetic. There are no perfect bodies, however much it seems on Instagram. First self -care tip is to accept your body and eliminate the idea of ​​an ideal body - beauty also begins in our mind! 

However, of course we can and should work on us, if we feel that there is some feature that does not please us so much - because many of the causes of cellulite have to do with our lifestyle. Then just give a upgrade With our anti-cellulite routine and is ready to show these legs without complexes! 





Briefly, it is an accumulation of fat deposits on the skin, distributed irregularly, giving the skin a group - and hence the term orange peel. 

To the causes can be several, beyond genetics and from age. Imbalances or hormonal changes, stress, one very rich diet in fat and carbohydrates It is low water intake. To spend a lot of time sitting or standing, do not exercise, smoke and use very tight clothes. If you feel that any of these aspects should be changed in your routine, start there. 


Anti-cellulite routine

1. Toning massage

It is super important to stimulate lymphatic drainage, as it is responsible for the release of accumulated toxins that generate inflammation (included cellulite). Regular massages with a refirming serum and a body share They make wonders for the skin: They stimulate elasticity and firmness, standardize texture and maintain hydration levels.

O Firm kit was formulated Thinking about anti-cellulite care: Joins The Firm Serum, a stranding concentrate, and a Water body. Just spread the serum by body and make the water SHA slide through the skin, always from the bottom up, focusing on the legs, thighs, buttocks and belly.

Another way to activate lymphatic drainage is with the Body brush, One to three times a week. Preferably, in the morning, before bathing and with dry skin, brush the body with ascending movements. Besides activating the lymph, also active blood circulation and exfoliates the skin slightly, reducing the appearance of cellulite.

2. Exfoliation 

Exfoliating the skin of the legs regularly is critical to combating cellulite, since Removes accumulated dead skin, which only contributes to the skin to look less toned. Even more, to exfoliar is also massaging and activating blood circulation - And we have seen before it only brings benefits.

O Awaken Exfoliate, based on Coffee and plum Kakadu, is best suited for an anti-cellulite exfoliation. Super rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant essential to the synthesis of collagen, for firmer and brighter skin. O Coffee, also antioxidant and stimulating action, It supports blood circulation and helps prevent irregularities on the skin.

Just apply the exfoliating In moist skin, while bathing at least once a week. Massaje gently, with circular and ascending movements - and, Preferably, with cold water, for a more astringent effect. Super Important: Moisturize the following skin. 


3. Hydration 

Basic basic that we so often passed in the front of lazy to spread oil/cream in the body. But it is of the utmost importance to keep the skin hydrated, because dry and dehydrated skin only intensifies the appearance of cellulite. Therefore, make an effort to moisturize the skin well daily, with the oil or cream that you like the most. 


4. From the inside out

A clean, inflammation -free skin also begins inside us. Take 1 teaspoon Pure beauty, in any drink or recipe, supports the production and regeneration of collagen and makes skin firmer, soft and luminous. To the Detox drops They are also important for support the body's natural cleaning and prevent the skin from reflecting some imbalance internal