DDPF - Cristina Mantas

A Cristina It is one of the models of Mpl'beautY and that is why our ways crossed. Besides being beautiful to die and perfectly represent the MPL, The Cristina He is an activist and preserving of the oceans and spends much of his time fighting to get him clean from the nets and plastics that the man leaves behind.

Uses, well, your platform To talk about the preservation of our planet and so we couldn't help but make it a little better - from the inside out.

Hope you like it! :)


Sign: SOL - Aquarium
  Moon - Fish
  Ascendant: LeTheO
Seasons: To seeTheO
Color: Yellow
Book: Silence thich nhat hahn It is Love and be free sri prem drool (I couldn't choose just a lol)
A song:  Right now I'm listening BKLYN MASAL DE MASTA ACE It is IM STILL IN LOVE OF ALTON ELLIS all the time
A podcast: Female Invest
An object: I bought a projector and I'm loving to have cinema at home


Who inspires you? The people around me. I like to have different friends, who work with different things, who are from different countries and cultures. All my friends are creative and I love to see what they do and how. I find it very important to have people around you who inspire you and motivate. Also, music, art, nature, dance. Be present.
What do you still need to create? Oh, many things haha. Businesses, Family, Houses, Safe Places, Communities. I have a lot of love that I want to materialize in various ways in this world. When the right time comes.
How to maintain creativity: For me it is to practice to be present. Paint, dance, sing, play. Be creative without necessarily a reason. Do things you really like to do. Take care of your mind, create silence to hear what's to hear without the noise of the world.


First thing to do when you wake up: Drink water And write at least 3 things that make me grateful for that day.
How to relax at the end of the day: A hot bath, yin yoga, music, beauty routine, a good book.
A place to turn off: Nature, sea.
Preferred physical exercise: Surf, Hike, Sword
How to discharge the stress: Meditating, turning off the mobile phone, movement.
A woman who inspires you: I have many. But especially my mother. A woman with so much love and rare. I am the woman I am because of her.


Your ideal diet is… Natural and bio. Fresh and local. For me too vegan. My body works best with vegetable feeding.
What do you always have in the fridge: Spinach
SAVING RECIPE: I am very basic in the kitchen, because I travel a lot. If I don't know what to do for dinner, I usually have a bowl of rice, avocado, sweet potatoes, spinach, mushrooms, beans, mango etc. All the good things I can find haha.
Favorite drink: My smoothie in the morning. I adore! You can see the recipe here.
Preferred snack: Banana with Tamara MedJool and Tahini
Favorite Restaurant: Cucina 37 Here at Ericeira. A puttanesque It always makes me happy!
Favorite kitchen books:  At this moment I don't have a book, but on Instagram I love it @‌Earthyandy. I have been following her for years and she has always been amazing vegan recipes.


Beauty icon: I don't know if I have one. There are many beautiful women. I think beauty and diversity, people's souls. And I think all women have their own beauty.
An essential piece of clothing: The Perfect Denim Jeans
What is not lacking in your beauty routine: Hyuluronic accident serum, Eye Serum, moisturizing cream It is sunscreen.
Product MPL'beauty favorite: A Honey and Acai Facial Mask!
How do you feel more beautiful? Natural, sunset, salt water in the hair, naked.