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Horóscopo de Março 2025: Eclipse, Mercúrio Retrógrado e o Reset Que Precisava

March 2025 Horoscope: Eclipse, Retrograde Mercury and the Reset that needed

If you have felt that the year began at a hallucinating speed, get ready: March is a turning point.

The month starts with A total lunar eclipse in Virgin (March 13), bringing unexpected revelations about health, well-being and daily habits"If there's something you need to change, now there's no way to ignore." But before running after a new routine, beware: Mercury retrograde in Carneiro (March 15), Bringing delays, misunderstandings and that feeling of "why was everything more difficult suddenly?"

Energy changes with the Equinox of Spring (March 20), marking a moment of renewal, and the month closes with a new moon with solar eclipse (March 29) in Carneiro, which brings the impulse to powerful restarts and changes that were already being postponed.

Want to know what to expect? See what the stars reserve for your sign this month - and the product MPL Beauty that will support you this mes.

Pisces (19 February - 20 March)

With the lunar eclipse to illuminate your relationships, March can bring changes in your closest ties. If there is anything that is not balanced, this month will evidence this. Retrograde Mercury can bring financial issues to light, so avoid large investments. The end of the month marks a powerful reset in its self -valuation.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Serum illuminates -Deep hydration and brightness to nourish the skin and raise self-esteem, aligning it with its intuitive energy.

Carneiro (March 21 - April 19)

Do you feel that you are running against time? With Retrograde mercury in its sign (March 15), You will need to take a deep breath. This month can bring moments of frustration and delays in your projects, but perhaps this is exactly what you need to see things from another perspective.

THE Eclipse in Virgin (March 13) Do you illuminate your health and daily routine - Are you really taking good care of yourself? At the end of the month, the New Moon with Solar Eclipse (March 29) marks an important reset: a new chapter that depends only on your choices.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Detox drops - Purification from the inside out. A detox that reduces inflammation and eliminates accumulated toxins.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This month is about pleasure and balance. The lunar eclipse can bring a reality check on how to take care of yourself and if you are really giving room for what makes you happy. But with Retrograde mercury, Do not rush - observe before making decisions.

At the end of the month, the New Moon with Solar Eclipse (March 29) pushes it to changes in the way it deals with deeper emotions. Are you ready to release what no longer makes sense?

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Mix pure beauty - Vegetable collagen and antioxidants to balance skin and mind.

Twins (May 21 - June 20)

Your social energy is on the rise, but not everything is as simple as it seems. THE Lunar eclipse in virgin can bring unexpected changes in the family or domestic matters. You may realize that you need a new approach to find the balance between work and personal life.

Retrograde mercury can bring unexpected reunions, but be careful not to fall into old standards. The month closes with a Powerful new moon that challenges it to redefine its goals.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Super Woman Capsules - Vitality, hormonal balance and stable energy.

Crab (21 June - 22 July)

This month, words have weight. THE Lunar eclipse can have revelations about how you communicate and how certain conversations can have a lasting impact. If there is anything that needs to be said, choose the moment well - and the words.

Retrograde Mercury can delay documents, negotiations or short trips, But enjoy this extra time to review everything calmly. At the end of the month, a new opportunity may come at work.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Calum caluble drink - Ashwagandha and Reishi to reduce stress and maintain mental clarity.

Leão (23 July - 22 August)

March brings a reality check on Money, values ​​and self -esteem. Virgin eclipse illuminates its resources and can make it reassess as spent (and earn) money.

Retrograde mercury can bring delays in payments or investments, Then avoid large shopping. THE New Moon at the end of the month brings a Mindset change - and new financial opportunities.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Best Skin Serum - Antioxidant protection to face any confidence challenge.

Virgin (23 August - September 22)

The eclipse in its sign on March 13 marks a powerful moment of personal transformation. Are you ready to abandon old standards and embrace a new cycle?

With Retrograde mercury, may feel more introspective, But this is essential to clarify what you really want. The month ends with a Solar eclipse that challenges her to trust her intuition more.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: CUPPING KIT - Face Cupping to relax and stimulate cellular regeneration.

Balance (23 September - 22 October)

If you have been ignoring signs of tiredness, this month will not leave. THE Virgin Eclipse can affect your mental and physical well-being, forcing her to create new healthy habits.

Retrograde mercury can bring someone from the past back, But what really changed? At the end of the month, the New Moon in Carneiro marks a new beginning in their relationships.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Gotas Beauty - Hydration and brightness for a natural glow.

Scorpio (23 October - November 21)

THE Lunar eclipse brings changes in your future goals and projects. If you have questions about your path, this month can bring the answers you need.

Retrograde mercury can cause delays at work, But it can also reveal new ways of addressing challenges.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Super Desire Chocolates - Energy and pleasure in a functional and delicious snack.

Sagittarius (22 November - 21 December)

Creativity, passion and self -expression are important topics this month. The March 13 eclipse can reveal where it has suppressed its creative energy. Retrograde Mercury can bring challenges in communication, so take the opportunity to refine your vision before acting. At the end of the month, the New Moon with Solar Eclipse (March 29) brings the push it needs to break free and bet on what really motivates it.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Protein Creativity: Focus and Concentration -Ideal for nourishing body and mind, helping her stay inspired and full of energy to turn ideas into action.

Capricorn (December 22 - 19 January)

March brings deep reflections on home, family and emotional security. The lunar eclipse can bring unexpected changes in this sector, forcing it to redefine priorities. Retrograde Mercury may delay plans, but also allows essential adjustments. At the end of the month, the New Moon with solar eclipse brings a new start to its emotional and financial stability.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Lightweight: body milk Light and nutritious hydration to maintain balance and well-being even at times of change.

Aquarius (20 January - 18 February)

This month, get ready for important conversations. Virgin lunar eclipse can reveal secrets or information that changes your perception of something essential. Retrograde Mercury can cause noise in communication, so avoid impulsive decisions. At the end of the month, the new moon brings the clarity it needs to move with confidence.

Yours MPL Beauty of the month: Focus: Matcha latte soluble drink - Perfect to keep the mind clear and focused as it browses challenging dialogues and new discoveries.

March may be intense, but you are aligning yourself to something bigger. Trust the process and use this energy to your advantage.

Extra Tip: Adjust your pace, take care of yourself and be aware of unexpected opportunities.

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- Francisca

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