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Lua Nova em Aquário: um ritual para se alinhar com os seus desejos

New Moon in Aquarius: a ritual to align with your desires

New Moons are perfect for new beginnings. And this New Moon, on February 9th, is especially promising and even electrifying. Why? The Moon will be in Aquarius, the futuristic and bold sign that encourages us to let go of the past and create space for the new. New solutions, new ways of being, new vibes, all of this is super Aquarian, so follow the energy of this New Moon and express your less conventional side!

New Moon in Aquarius: a ritual to align with your desires

Manifest intentions

Any time is good for aligning thought and action, and expressing our intentions, but this New Moon, full of energy, is perfect for manifesting your desires with great impetus and clarity. This happens because the heavens are especially favorable to change (often with out-of-the-box solutions and insights), with the Sun, Moon and Pluto all in Aquarius. At the same time, the Moon and the Sun will be in square with Uranus, the most rebellious planet in the zodiac, which will encourage you to free yourself from norms and conventions, and assert your authenticity, bringing a good dose of the unexpected. to this lunar cycle.

This is the time to reset and start again, trusting that changes, in any area of ​​your life, will be for the better.

A ritual for the New Moon

Looking at the months ahead, what new ideas or desires would you like to see come true? Where do you feel the biggest changes are needed? What is your focus? What habits or situations do you need to leave behind? This New Moon in Aquarius is the perfect opportunity to plant the future you want, with complete clarity!

And this New Moon ritual, in addition to being a precious moment of self-care, will help you manifest your intentions more clearly!

What you will need:

  • Sage or Pau Santo to cleanse energies.
  • a crystal
  • Paper and pen
  • a quiet place where you can be peaceful and uninterrupted
  • a warm and comforting drink
  • one or more candles, of course!
  • an exfoliant to finish in beauty

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New Moon Ritual in 8 steps

  1. The first step is to find a quiet and comfortable place, where no one will bother you for half an hour. Light your candle (our exclusive DETOX candle scented with fresh herbs, ideal for relaxing and refreshing) to get into the mood.
  2. Start by cleaning the spaces and energy by slowly burning White Sage or Pau Santo , used in ancestral rituals. In addition to having a wonderful smell, Pau Santo will free the space of negative energy, for an open and burden-free mind. While cleaning your aura, consciously leave behind everything that no longer serves you and be receptive to welcoming the new.
  3. Keep your crystal close to you and in silence (learn more about the meaning of crystals here ) and do a meditation - you can do it for 5, 10 minutes or whatever seems best to you. This is the ideal time to drink your hot drink, like the delicious CALMA , formulated with cocoa, ashwagandha and reishi, to calm and calm your body and mind.
  4. After this moment of clarity, enjoy the insights. Let your desires manifest in your mind, take the pen and paper and write down what you want most. What is your biggest desire? What do you really expect from this year? Without limits, set the intention and trust.
  5. Now take another sheet of paper and write down 5 things you will do to make that dream come true. They must be small, realistic and achievable things, one step at a time!
  6. Take a third sheet of paper and write down 5 things that you will stop doing, that you will get rid of, to make your dream come true.
  7. After you have done these steps, take the sheet where you wrote your intentions, and burn it to give them more strength through the fire. You should only burn the first sheet, where you wrote your wishes. The others, keep them, to remind you of the actions you must take to achieve what you want.
  8. To end this New Moon ritual in beauty, give yourself one last treat: a hot shower or immersion bath with our Relax salt exfoliant, with calming essential oils and the scent of lavender, ideal for a gentle detox, relieving tension and enter a new renewed cycle.

Do you feel aligned? Of course! Enjoy the wave and happy New Moon!

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