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15 tips for surviving this cycle

Astrology fan or not, you've probably heard of Mercury Retrograde. If you have any doubts about what it is or if you've never heard of it at all, now is a good time to better understand this important moment in the flow of our lives.

What is Mercury Retrograde anyway? According to Astrology, an ancient practice that seeks to understand the world and people by observing the stars, it is the name given to the effect when Mercury starts to "go backwards". However, this retrograde movement is just an illusion created by the way the Earth interacts with the orbits of the other planets. It happens three times a yearand the next date is from April 1st to April 24th. 

They are believed to be hectic timesassociated with confusion and delays, but also periods in which our intuition is in high gearfull of coincidences coincidences. These are also great times to reflect on the past.  

What to do when Mercury is retrograde?

Mercury is the planet that rules communication, travel, contracts, means of transportation, among other things within this spectrum. Therefore, in these periods the ideal is to remain flexible and cautious. Read and re-read important emails, confirm reservations, don't schedule appointments on top of each other. Be prepared to deal with more irritable and untimely people. Ideally, wait until Mercury returns to normal movement before making any definitive decisions. 

But this isn't just a time for bad things - far from it! It's a fantastic time to retrospectivesfor analyze what you are putting the most energy into and why, and whether it makes sense with your real needs and desires.  

I'm going to give you 15 tips that can help you in the Mercury retrograde that is starting now - April 1st to April 24th. I really hope it's a time full of calm and important reflections for you. 

1. Back up everything!

This is rule number 1! Make backup copies of documents, either on external disks or on online platforms - or both! Make sure you save everything a million times. When Mercury is retrograde, our computers and phones are more prone to crashes and suddenly really important documents that you were sure you had saved disappear. 

2. Don't let the little things get to you

Yes, there are small things that are very significant and deserve our attention, but this is not the time to make a big deal out of it. Relax and accept the natural course of things, without letting yourself be overwhelmed by things that go less well. If you stay calm and sure of what you're doing - and with the necessary backups! -believe that everything will be fine.  

3. Don't sign any contracts 

If you can, avoid signing contracts at this time. If possible, wait a week after the retrograde period. Of course, not everything can be postponed and, in such cases, my advice is to read the documents in question many times. 

4. Read and re-read documents

I've already told you to read several times, but it's really important to reinforce this idea! I'm not just talking about contracts, but papers to be delivered or important communications to someone. 

5. Ask for a second opinion

If you really have to sign a contract and you've read and re-read it several times, ask for a second (or third!) opinion. Look for friends you trust or lawyers. Four eyes see better than two, especially during Mercury retrograde. 

6. Don't travel without plans 

This really isn't the time for unplanned trips, as flight delays or car breakdowns are common. If you really have to travel, try to be organized and don't book trips too close to important appointments, to avoid them being affected by delays.

7. Let yourself go

In addition to Mercury retrograde, it will also be eclipse time. It's a cosmic reminder to slow down, relax and let go... even when disasters strike! Yes, they will happen, it's normal at this time and, instead of beating yourself up, think instead about how you can work to improve the situation. Patience and understanding with yourself are even more important at these times when you shouldn't get stressed. 

8. Prepare for the unexpected

If you are aware that Mercury retrograde brings with it less predictable events, it will be half the battle not to let yourself get too affected. It doesn't necessarily have to be bad, just more out of the ordinary. Be prepared and don't go against the cosmos. 

9. Slow and steady

This is the motto for this period. Take a deep breath and slow down your pace of life. During Mercury retrograde, I really like to add to the mix Calm to my drinks to ensure that I can reduce stress and anxiety levels and rest well. It's essential for feeling good and making good decisions.

10. Breathe

As well as breathing unconsciously, try breathing consciously. Stop and take a deep breath, breathing in and out for a long time. When you feel more anxious or tense, try this breathing exercise: breathe in for a count of two and out for a count of four. Repeat until you feel calmer. This applies to every day of your life, of course! Breathing helps us to calm down. 

11. Do a detox

If there are times when you need to cleanse your body, this is one of them! We need to rid ourselves of everything toxic: food, habits, people, objects - everything! It was precisely with moments like this in mind that I created the new Detox Kit - 7-day reset. Of course, food is the basis of the plan, because it all starts inside with what we eat, but it's a very complete kit that supports you for a total body and mind detox in a safe way. 

12. Get rid of everything you don't need

This follows on from the previous point and is one of the things that feels best, especially during Mercury retrograde. Try getting up early one day and start putting away everything you no longer use: clothes, your children's toys, decorative objects, books... There are so many things that take up unnecessary physical and mental space and disrupt our well-being. This is the perfect time to rethink all that!

13. Expect to meet people from the past

Mercury retrograde has the power to make us meet or hear from people who were once part of our lives. So be prepared for such encounters with schoolmates you haven't seen for a long time or an ex-relationship. Revisiting these people is a kind of cosmic lesson, as if to ask yourself if you're at peace with having them far away from you. 

14. Don't be negative

Cosmically, this is already a troubled time, so don't complicate things further. Think positively and turn your mind into an ally. It's an unstable period, but it will make you much stronger.

15. Relax

When everything around you seems out of control, the best thing you can do is relax. Take a bathmeditate, drink a Calm before bed, read, watch a movie... whatever gives you the most pleasure and brings you calm. Everything will be fine - I promise!

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