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Como despertar a libido

How to awaken the libido

Have you been feeling a bit disconnected from your desire and sex drive? You're not alone. Desire, like hormones, fluctuates, and in the case of female hormones, these fluctuations can be particularly intense.

That's why it's so important to understand the link between hormonal balance (or imbalance) and our libidoby discovering how hormones can have a profound impact on sexual desire. This way, without taboos, we can finally understand the source of the problem and take action!

How to feel super sexy and awaken your libido

A question of chemistry

Sex, we know, starts in the head. But beyond the mental and relational factor, the truth is that sex and desire are also a matter of chemistry. And not just between two people. It's also within us!

Circulating throughout our body, hormones act as "messengers" in our organism, influencing various functions, including sexual desire. When hormone levels are unregulated or out of balance, this can have a profound impact on our libido. In particular estrogen, a female sex hormone that plays a crucial role in women's libido and sexual satisfaction.

Estrogen dominance occurs when there is an excess of this hormone over other hormones, such as progesterone. This imbalance can cause a series of symptoms, such as irregular menstrual cycles, mood fluctuations, weight gain, hormonal acne and, of course, loss of libido!

But not only excess estrogen causes problems. In the perimenopause and menopause, for example, the abrupt drop in levels of this hormone can cause changes in body temperature (known as "hot flushes"), accentuate bone problems, cause vaginal dryness and, you get the picture, numb desire and make sexual satisfaction more difficult.

A rollercoaster ride

It's not a bright outlook, but fortunately, at any age, there are many things we can do to counteract this rollercoaster effect of our hormones and ignite our sexiest side by awakening a healthy desire and paving the way for a super satisfying sex life.

To restore hormonal balance, we can begin by making changes to our lifestyle, starting with regulating stresswhich can trigger a hormonal imbalance, triggering the production of estrogen. Practicing meditation and mindfulness, but also exercising regularly, sleeping well and eating a balanced diet can help restore hormonal balance.

And of course, as we never tire of saying around here, we can act from the inside out, nourishing our bodies with superfoods and supplements that support balance and help awaken libido, for a fuller and more pleasurable sex life.

To (literally) feed your libido

How to feel super sexy and awaken your libido

Stimulating libido from within. We have two suggestions, two natural superfoods full of power.

CocoaCocoa: an ancient plant, considered a sacred food by some civilizations, and associated with good mood and well-being, relieving stress. Raw cocoa will give you more energy, awaken your libido and relieve emotional stress.

Maca: Ideal for boosting healthy sexual energy and activating libido, this adaptogenic super root will help you feel more confident and energized. It also contains phytonutrients that help boost energy, physical endurance, mood and the hormonal system. Perfect!

To awaken desire

How to feel super sexy and awaken your libido

Yes, it's true, being sexy goes through your head (a lot). Because stress and tiredness, anxiety and even that sudden sadness are a turn-off we have developed formulas that will help you feel more comfortable, confident and awake to a healthy and pleasurable sex life.

Super Desire capsules: a 100% natural solution with hand-picked medicinal plants to boost libido, awaken desire and support healthy sexual function. Shatavari, for example, helps to regulate natural hormonal cycles and epimedium is a plant with aphrodisiac qualities, excellent for helping to arouse desire.

Super Desire Chocolates: sweet, spicy... and sexy! Formulated with medicinal plants, aphrodisiac spices and the sensuality of cocoa, these chocolates, to try alone or as a couple, will stimulate sexual desire and inflate your libido, bringing good humor and energy to your days. And nights too.

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