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Horóscopo Abril

April Horoscope

March brought us Spring and the beginning of another astrological year. This time always seems like a breath of fresh air and great for new beginnings and it's no coincidence, as it coincides with Aries season, a sign marked by energy, impulsiveness and action.

Point out some important dates for next month:

April 6th - Full Moon in Libra:
Take the opportunity to reflect on how much energy you spend on your needs and the needs of others. Is there a balance? Rethink inappropriate relationships and strengthen true bonds, with those who know how to give back as much as they give.

April 20th - Solar Eclipse in Aries: Eclipses are rare astronomical moments and this one even more so, because it is a hybrid eclipse, which means that, depending on where you are on Earth, you may see it differently (like whether it was partial, total or annul). The energy of this movement joins the energy of Aries and inspires us to act now (and think later), go after what we want, start new life projects.

April 21st to May 14th - Mercury Retrograde: The first of the year! This transit takes place in the sign of Taurus and “attacks” all values ​​associated with this sign - security, finances, possessions and basic needs. It is normal to experience setbacks, confusion and miscommunication on these topics. Taurus will be one of the most affected signs, along with the remaining Earth signs: Capricorn and Virgo.

It's your season and the energies are all in agreement that you should invest in yourself - and the eclipse underlines that! What surrounds her will make her feel capable and independent, as she likes so much. This explosive energy only starts to slow down with the arrival of Mercury Retrograde and Taurus season, but be patient (yes, we know it's difficult for you...). Take the opportunity to reflect on your finances and investments, without major conflicts and communications with third parties, and you will see that it will only be a temporary period.

mpl'beauty product of the month:
The Jade Comb , because this month of yours you deserve a beautiful, up-to-date beauty tool that only brings benefits to your hair.

For you, this month is really about self-care! The Full Moon in Libra, a sign also controlled by Venus, planet of pleasures, shines all its light on the rituals and habits that bring you satisfaction on a daily basis. With its season, on the 20th, a Mercury Retrograde also arrives, which can bring some discomfort and insecurity, two things that affect you. Take a deep breath (after all, it will be temporary!) and take the opportunity to reflect on what is stealing your time and energy, and whether you really deserve that space in your life.

mpl'beauty product of the month: The Super Glow Kit , since self-care is the watchword! To make a homemade mask and leave your skin luminous and smooth.

Gemini Take advantage of the Full Moon to be with people who nourish and inspire you. It is part of your Nature, as an Air sign, to seek out those connections with others, and this will be the perfect time to take steps towards creative projects. Furthermore, the solar eclipse in Carneiro brings an energy of impulsiveness, confidence and action and asks you to lead, create and bring people together. Take advantage of Mercury Retrograde to look within and recharge your batteries, after more explosive weeks.

mpl'beauty product of the month: The Teeth Kit , to invest in the smile that you will take everywhere and show off to everyone!

Career has been a prominent topic for you since Jupiter moved into Aries at the end of last year. Therefore, with the solar eclipse in the same sign, we expect hustle and bustle, dynamism and progress to happen in this field. Take advantage of the Full Moon to bring some tranquility into your life and cling to your family and home, two things that are so important to you.

mpl'beauty product of the month:
The Sol Kit , to perfume your home and make it even more your space, but maintain the same energetic and vibrant spirit that the month calls for.


The Full Moon shines in your third house, that of Communication, and so it is natural that you feel even more extroverted and eager to share your ideas. Enjoy this energy! From the 11th onwards, it is your ninth house, of (self)knowledge, wisdom, adventures and spirituality that is highlighted. The energy of the solar eclipse will give you a boost to take new paths towards your personal development and your beliefs. Take advantage of the final part of the month to slow down and reflect, to return to action once Mercury Retrograde passes.

mpl'beauty product of the month: Since we're talking about new adventures and self-knowledge, how about a ritual that makes you connect more with your body? The Body Kit asks for just that, with revitalizing homemade lymphatic drainage.


Career and future plans seem to be the focus this month. Mercury, your planet and the owner of communication, thought and rationality, will be in your ninth house, so your vision and capacity for perspective will be very sharp. Keep your values ​​and vision in mind, because Mercury Retrograde, at the end of the month, will bring a sense of lesser clarity and security. Try to let it flow and watch the wave pass, then get back on your way straight away.

mpl'beauty product of the month:
Now that the days are longer and the sun is starting to be more present, the Puro Sol Kit will be the perfect ally for April.


Aries season is going to be great when it comes to relationships, partnerships and socializing. We can say that it has been spreading its charm! Our advice is to slow down during the Full Moon and focus on yourself, to calm down a little and get back on track afterwards, as the solar eclipse in Aries keeps your energy very high, inviting you to take risks, to start new projects and partnerships. . The end of the month, with the entry into Taurus and the arrival of Mercury Retrograde, may shake your sense of security a little and make you feel (even) more indecisive and with doubts, but remember that it is temporary. Take advantage of this phase to hold on to what you see as stable and lasting in life.

mpl'beauty product of the month: Take advantage of the wave of charm and invest in toning care for your face (the kind you see from afar!), with the Cupping Kit !

Expansion! It's the right word for Scorpios, with a transit of your planet, Mars, the planet of action, which seems to favor your ability to make the impossible possible. More productivity and determination, and thirst for new things, from experiences to people. Take advantage of the Full Moon to balance the scales. With so much getting things done, don't forget to take a well-deserved rest. All great achievements require energy.

mpl'beauty product of the month:
The Relax exfoliant , to end long days with a treat for yourself.


Mark April 11th as doubly important. Venus, planet of love, moves into your house of partnerships, making this month ideal for commitments, especially as a couple. On the same day, the Sun will illuminate your planet, Jupiter, in Aries. Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion, luck and prosperity, and everything indicates that whatever you start now will bear fruit in the future. Your adventurous spirit will help make the possibilities endless.

mpl'beauty product of the month:
Keeping things practical when there are too many important and positive things demanding our dedication is the watchword. Bet on one of the new stick deodorants .


Not that hard work scares her, but shyness doesn't always allow her to receive the laurels she deserves. Take advantage of the Full Moon phase to show your ideas and projects and to team up with people with the same vision, with whom you can progress together. We must take advantage of the dynamism that the eclipse in Aries will bring and, for Capricorns in particular, it may be in the home and family sector that things are about to change. With the arrival of the Taurus and Mercury Retrograde season, look for satisfaction in the things you do in your free time and make sure they are truly nourishing for your spirit.

mpl'beauty product of the month: The Ilumina Serum , to highlight the need to show off on this month's Full Moon.

With Saturn, your planet, strolling through the house that holds your values ​​and beliefs, you can feel a time of growth and reconstruction of your own image and attitude in the air. As an intellectual sign of the Zodiac, sharing your ideas and convictions with others is fundamental, and you can take advantage of the Full Moon phase to do just that. New opportunities for success may arise if you let your passions and determination speak louder. Don't forget that Pluto, planet of transformations, is stationed in your sign for the next 20 years. That's why it's quite normal for you to feel like you're changing - and it's always for something better!

mpl'beauty product of the month: Take advantage of the period of change and transformation in your body too and invest in the Detox Kit .


The first half of the month will be marked by the movement of Venus, which highlights your more sensitive and affectionate side and will make you want to enjoy the simple things: company, good food, art and sex. With the Sun and Jupiter, your planet, meeting in Aries on April 11th, you may feel a wave of enthusiasm to achieve goals or an energy for financial growth. The eclipse will also help with the party, so make the most of it. The arrival of Taurus and Mercury Retrograde invites you to write down your most solid ideals and find comfort in them, even when misunderstandings and setbacks seem to be nearby.

mpl'beauty product of the month: Chocolate Desire , for more romantic moments or simply for when you really feel like a sweet treat with zero guilt.

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