For healthier hair

We must be aware that our scalp is full of blood vessels, and the absorption of everything we put there is quite efficient. Therefore, we want the products to be as “clean” as possible. This will not only prevent hair from becoming more fragile, but will avoid skin problems and even hormonal dysfunctions. 

You shampoos It is conditioner MPL'beauty only contains natural ingredients, free of silicones and parabens. It contains botanical actives that nourish the hair fibers, stimulate growth and combat the fall. With the bonus of having a wonderful smell and leaving the hair super hydrated, silky and clean. If it has not yet surrendered to shampoos It is conditioners Natural, here are 5 good reasons to try now.

Protects the natural oiliness from scalpe

Without abrasive ingredients, nourishes scalpe and hair follicles, stimulating growth, strengthening the hair and improving hydration and shine.  

Avoid scalp irritation

Common ingredients in conventional shampoos such as silicone and mineral oils can irritate the scalp, make it scale and dry it too much. They can also create bubbles or other skin problems - often, what we put in the hair is responsible for those mystery bubbles we have on our forehead.

Helps maintain hair coloring

If you already dye your hair naturally, with hennaOne of the best ways to keep color longer is precisely avoiding using sulfate free products in your hair.

Stimulates growth

Chemical ingredients irritate the oily glands, dry the scalpe, and reduce the size of hair follicles, which influences hair growth and can even cause their fall. 

It is better for the environment

What goes on the pipe below has a very large impact on the ecosystem and everything we use in the bath ends up leaving waste in the waters. Therefore, biodegradable is always the best option. Ours shampoos and conditioner comes in a glass bottle  or aluminum with the dose, which can then reuse.

And do not forget! As important as taking care of the hair on the outside, with a good shampoo It is be a, is equally important strengthen the body internallyto support hair growth, brightness and strength and avoid/reduce the fall.