Although I'm not a fan of alcoholic drinks, I have to confess that Constança Cordeiro's work arouses my curiosity! The cocktails he creates in his bars Toca da Raposa and Uni , both in Lisbon, combine drinks distilled by them and seasonal ingredients (harvested by the staff!), in a menu that changes regularly, depending on the seasons - just like a good restaurant , for me, it does with food. Furthermore, Constança creates drinks for other bars and restaurants and also has a podcast - No Floating Ice . There is a lot to know about her and the things she creates and inspires her, and now one more, in today's De Dentro Para Fora. I hope you enjoy!
Sign: Sagittarius.
Season: Early Spring.
One color: Blue.
A book: Inês's braid - Rosa Lobato Faria.
A film: Bones and all.
A song: Harvest moon - Neil young.
A podcast: Ar fresco Salvador Martinha.
An object: Salazar Spatula.
Favorite place in the world: A spot at the Montargil dam.
Who and what inspires you? People with passion and nature.
What do you still need to create? A lot of things!
How to maintain creativity: Knowing how to stop and disconnect.
First thing to do when waking up: Walk Elvis - my dog.How to relax at the end of the day: Watch the series - The Office US version.
A place to disconnect: Alentejo.
Favorite physical exercise: Tennis.
How you release stress: Being with friends and a glass of wine.
A woman who inspires you: Beatriz Jardinha.

What you always have in the fridge: Aromatic herbs.
Dinner-saving recipe: Salted sea bass.
Favorite drink: Ginger ale with sparkling wine.
Favorite snack: Mini corn tortillas with rosemary.
Favorite restaurant: Prado.
Favorite cookbook: The Noma guide to Fermentation.
Beauty icon: Sharon Stone.An essential piece of clothing: A long sleeve T-shirt from Toca da Raposa.
Favorite MPL'beauty product: The body highlighter.
How do you feel more beautiful? When I'm happy.