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Cheesecake de Maracujá

Cheesecake Of Passion

This creamy and delicious cheesecake has a fresh and light flavor. You can make it in the form of a cheesecake or omit the base and make it like a mousse. 


Serves 8


1 ½ cup raw macadamias or cashews

1 cup Medjool dates, pitted

pinch of fleur de sel

2 teaspoons of lime zest

1 level tablespoon of coconut oil

pinch of vanilla powder

pinch of cardamom

Grease a removable base tart pan with coconut oil. Reserve.

Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until you get a finely chopped mixture that adheres.

Turn the mixture into the prepared pan and press with your fingers to level it. Store in the refrigerator until needed.


2 cups cashews, soaked

6 passion fruits

½ cup coconut cream

½ cup maple syrup

3 tablespoons of lime or lemon juice

1 teaspoon of cardamom

1 teaspoon vanilla powder or vanilla essence

pinch of fleur de sel

½ cup cocoa butter or melted coconut oil

To make the filling, place the passion fruit pulp in a blender and blend for a second, just to separate the seeds from the pulp. Pass through a strainer into a bowl.

Return the pulp to the blender without the seeds. Add the cashews, coconut cream, maple syrup, vanilla, salt and melted cocoa butter. Blend until you obtain a creamy, lump-free mixture. If necessary, add more coconut cream to help it beat if you think it's too thick.

Pour into the prepared pan. Level with the back of a spoon.
Store in the fridge for 1 hour or until firm. Or in the freezer.

To serve, cut 2 passion fruits in half and place the pulp on top of the tart.

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