All about the stick deodorants

You deodorant They are bestsellers from the beginning and finally now you can try them in Stick format!

After many requests, we now have the 4 Deodorants in Stick, for one 100% natural care, aluminum free, chemicals and synthetic fragrances. If you want to know more about the importance of making the transition to this type of natural deodorants, it can read everything here. It will be surprised by the impact that this common hygiene product can have on our health.

These deodorant allow natural perspiration, without blocking pores, just neutralizing odors. Besides moisturize the skin, due to oils and butters in their composition. 


Normal skin

The first sticks developed were that of our bestsellers - pink It is Tangerine.

sodium bicarbonate, for being a alkaline substance, help to Remove excessive sweat and keep the armpits driedfor greater comfort during the day. They also have in their composition the clay, which contributes to a natural detoxification of the glands. The base of the two deodorant It is the same and therefore you should choose the aroma that pleases you the most:

O pink It has a delicate and floral aroma. It was our first deodorant And it is still worshiped by many customers! If you prefer citrus aromas, the Tangerine it's perfect! Our last release, the Passion Fruit & Coco, has tropical aroma.



If you have the most sensitive skin or have experienced allergy to baking soda, This is the best option for you!

With activated charcoal and magnesium, It is super effective in odor control and support to the natural toxin removal system. Your base still has Shea butter, with anti-inflammatory properties that make it a potent ally for dry, sensitive and inflamed skin.

Sweeter and floral, this deodorant has aroma to vanilla, cocoa and lavender


Frequent Questions & Answers

How much should I use?
Just two to three passages with Stick in the armpits. The fact that the formulas are delicate or totally natural does not interfere with their effectiveness - you don't have to spend more deodorant for it.

The deodorant is too hard/soft. Are you damaged?
No! Because it has no preservatives and being based on natural oils and butters, the deodorant is sensitive to temperature. In the colder months, when the deodoring is harder, try to warm the stick slightly between the hands and will see that it ends up melting when in contact with the warm skin of the armpits. In summer, if you are in a very hot place, store it in the fridge to prevent it from melting.

Are they really for those who have a strong odor?

Yes! They all result very well in the balance of the aroma and to maintain the sense of cleaning and freshness all day! 

Can children use?

YES! Children can use our deodorants. They are all 100% natural, biological and moisturizing. 

Do you fit men?

Yes No doubt. Men can also use our deodorants and will have excellent results.