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It's coming up to that time of year when so many of us start thinking about diets to get ready for summer, so I thought it was super important to share with you some of the myths about diets and eating that are circulating around (and which need to be revised). I feel it's really important to dispel these myths, and gain a more body-positive conscience while still taking care of ourselves. Detox, yes, as much as possible, but without going to extremes and always cultivating a good relationship with food and our bodies. These are the 5 myths about detox and diets that I've heard the most. Shall we debunk them?


Some calories are addictive, others help you recover, others make you fat and others help boost your metabolism. This is because food contains not only calories, but also information.

Calories are misleading, basically because they are a metric for energy and not for nutrition. Many people count calories when they want to lose or maintain weight. But this isn't safe, because the way we assimilate nutrients and absorb calories is different from person to person. It will also depend on the quality of the food and the bacterial population in our gut - the microbiome, which is essential to look after, with probiotics, for example. In study published by Dr. David Ludwig, professor in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and colleagues, it is suggested that a poor quality diet can result in weight gain, even if it is theoretically low in calories.


If you eat a variety of ingredients ingredients (vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fruit) instead of refined foods, you are unlikely to have any protein deficiencies.

One of the questions I hear most often is: "will I consume enough protein on a plant-based diet?" The answer is YES! In fact, you'll be consuming around 40% more than the recommended daily intake (42 gr) and you'll also be getting all the other wonderful benefits that come when your diet is mostly made up of plants: lots of fiber (97% of the population is deficient in this key nutrient), phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and water.

In fact, 97% of the population consumes enough protein every day. Why such an obsession? Well, protein plays a super important role in thousands of biological processes, such as giving blood vessels their structure, transporting and storing essential nutrients, repairing tissues (such as bones, skin, hair and muscles) and helping the body to eliminate toxins and impurities. But that doesn't mean we have to eat massive portions (or that a plant-based diet doesn't give us the proteins we need).

To simplify, getting the necessary dose of protein and fiber, plus a complete mix of nutrients and adaptogens, see these vegetable proteins. You may also want to check out this video on protein intake in plant-based diets, so you're in the clear!


It's true. Drinking two liters of water a day is not the only way to ensure that we are well hydrated.

When we eat foods rich in water, we absorb it more slowly because it is "trapped" in the structure of these foods. To clarify, this doesn't mean that you should chew your water. What I mean is to consume enough water-rich foods such as cucumber, lettuce, berries and melons - all of which have water levels of over 90%. The water that's hidden in these fruits and vegetables is actually super-rich in nutritional terms, because it's literally wrapped up in a phytonutrient-rich network of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which help the body absorb more water slowly, meaning you'll be more hydrated for longer periods of time!

To complement this, take the Beauty DropsThese drops are rich in silica, 72 essential minerals and rose water. These drops, mixed with water, help to deeply moisturize cells. You'll quickly feel more awake, hydrated and with strong, radiant skin and hair.


I love GREENS! Absolutely, the fascination never ends and I'm always discovering delicious and nutritious green vegetables and new ways of preparing them. They are super-potent, tasty and essential for health, inside and out, and yet we don't consume enough of them.

Eating enough greens (4-6 cups!) every day is one of the secrets to looking even more beautiful from the inside out! Very important: be imaginative and diversify. There's a whole world beyond lettuce... Remember leafy greens like chard, spinach, kale... So think that your plate should be made up of at least 50% greens.

Our Detox Kitis wonderful for supporting this choice. In each recommended dose of 2 dessert spoons of Super Detox Powder, you get a daily dose of greens. So as well as getting all the other benefits (protein, collagen, fiber, digestive enzymes, etc.) the products in this Kit will give your body the green boost it needs.


Fat has a bad reputation, but it's actually one of the body's fundamental elements. On average, a person is made up of 15 to 30% fat!

For decades it was thought that fat was linked to and caused many diseases including obesity, heart problems and cholesterol. New scientific studies are questioning this idea and teaching us that not all fat is bad! Consuming the right GOOD fats (organic, cold-pressed, unprocessed vegetable fats) is essential for a healthy lifestyle.

This type of fat will not make you "fat". Healthy fatty acids, such as those found in avocados, cold-pressed olive oil and seeds, help nourish our fattest organ - the brain! This is especially important for those who are obsessed with counting calories. If you count calories, you will probably, and naturally, be afraid of fats. But if they're healthy, they're fine. After all, 1 gram of fat has more calories than 1 gram of carbohydrates or protein.

You can watch a video here and learn how to do it ghee - a fat that is good both for internal consumption and for use on the skin (yes, it's true!).

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