5 common errors in the application of serum

Serums are a highly effective beauty product. If a serum in your skin care routine is not making a positive difference, it is possible that you have not chosen the right serum for you, or you are not using it the right way. 

Serums are ideal for balance the skin in each of their phases. They moisturize and toned deeply, leaving a more luminous and uniform complexion. If you are still undecided about which one to choose, the Mini Séruns Kit It may be the ideal solution. Meanwhile, it never hurts to remember:

Be a Puro Sol -With anti-aging action and solar anti-nodes, nourishes deeply and repairs the skin.
Serum Repairs - fights imperfections and reveals a healthy, balanced and clean skin. Perfect for oily, sensitive and acne, rosacea or redness.
Serum illuminates - Returns brightness to dry skin and dull. Suitable for all skin types, it keeps it nourished and protected, attenuating wrinkles and fine lines. 
DETOX SERUM - Protects collagen from exposure to daily pollutants and keeps the skin firm and luminous.

MPL'beauty Facial Serum Repairs

Error number #1

In your application, error number #1 is precisely to choose a serum that is not responding to the needs your skin has at the moment. Before choosing any product, you need to understand the needs of your skin. If you have questions, we are always available to help through Whatsapp, Instagram or Facebook

Error number #2

Do not “listen” the moisturizing needs of your skin. Using the serum as a substitute for the moisturizer may be sufficient at some heights of the year. However, this is not always the case and it is often necessary to complement it with a more robust moisturizer. Have you ever tried our Regenerate To moisturize your skin?

Error number #3

Perhaps the correct order is not following. Do you know our 4 -step routine? Clean the skin with the help of 100% biological cotton facial towel And a few drops of yours Be a of election; spray on the face one MPL'Beauty Essences; apply EFFECTIVE SERUM in the contour of an eye and finish with the Regenerate. Can explore this routine to detail in this link. 

Error number #4

It is not applying the right amount. The amount of serum has a huge impact on its effectiveness. Skincare experts suggest that only one amount of the size of a pea to the face should be used. However, it should also add another identical measure to the neck. In all, you should apply 3 to 4 drops. 

Error number #5

The last mistake, and perhaps the most common is to be inconsistent. Lack of consistency greatly diminishes the effectiveness of any and all product, and the serum is no different case. The serum should be part of your daily skin care and should be applied twice a day. Yes, a serum should be part of your routine in the morning and night. 

Another tip is exfoliated! When we exfoliated, we are eliminating dead cells from the surface of the skin. This is important because it makes it easier to penetrate your serum. Remember that you do not need to exfoliate the skin every day-integrate this step in your natural skin care routine once twice a week and you're good to go. You can use any of our face on the face Exfoliators -Do it only kindly and with little quantity. 

Now you have all the information at your disposal to start seeing results of the serum application to your skin. Share your progress with us!