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Tudo sobre o novo Pente Jade

All about the new Jade Comb

One of the new hair care tools , ideal for stimulating growth , strengthening strands and stimulating collagen production .

Why is it so effective? Because it literally works at the root of healthy hair - the scalp, which we so often neglect, only worrying about taking care of our hair.

If you've been paying attention to the MPL'beauty Instagram, you may have already seen the masterclass in which Mafalda explains how to use the Jade Comb and the Dermaroller . If you haven't seen it yet, you can see it here (or if you have seen it and are still curious), stick around, because we're going to explain everything about the new Jade Comb .

See the video tutorial here.

Origin & Benefits

Massaging the scalp with a natural crystal comb is a very old therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Basically, it is a Gua Sha massage for the scalp. By exerting pressure with the comb on the scalp, you are stimulating acupressure points, stimulating blood circulation , necessary for healthy hair growth and stopping hair loss . Strengthens hair strands and cleans and cares for the scalp in case of inflammation or dandruff.

There are several points that a specialist will know how to stimulate to alleviate other problems not related to hair, but when using your comb at home, focus mainly on these points:

Wangu: at the back of the head, just below the curve of our skull and above the back of the neck, is the ideal point for relieving stress and anxiety, thus preventing hair loss, which often results from emotional imbalances or trauma. You can apply continuous pressure with the comb or make circular movements, in both directions.

Taiyang: the points located on our temples. It is a great point for stimulating hair growth and also perfect for relieving headaches and migraines. Make sure you “park” the comb in these areas, applying pressure and then moving in circles.

Baihui: passing the comb well over the top of the head is essential to activate blood circulation throughout the scalp, thus stimulating hair growth.

Fengchi: located on the back of the neck, they are two parallel points just below the hairline and ears (if you touch them there with your fingers, you will feel two “dimples”). That's where you should massage to stimulate blood flow in the neck and head area.

Each of these points is connected to energy channels, or qi, as it is called in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which extend throughout the body and contact various organs. This means that, by stimulating these points, you are also promoting balance in the body, calming the mind and stimulating the movements necessary for the proper functioning of our systems.

But back to hair… The benefits are many!

Stimulates growth and reduces hair loss: blood circulation is essential for transporting nutrients that build healthy, strong and luminous hair. When stimulated through massage with a comb , it gives strength and vitality to hair follicles, boosting not only growth but also the thickness of hair fibers.

Releases impurities from pores: our scalp accumulates dirt and we are not always able to get rid of it all when washing our hair, leaving residue blocking the hair follicles and preventing growth. Massage allows the follicles to breathe and release impurities, which not only stimulates hair growth , but also prevents and improves irritated scalps or dandruff.

Improves hair texture: the cosmetics industry has been creating shampoos and other products with silicones, in an attempt to plump up the hair - but we know that the negative impacts of these compounds on our health do not outweigh the benefits. If you want natural and very functional alternatives for your hair, you can see the shampoos here. This massage is a safe way to fill your hair, improving its texture and volume, as it nourishes the hair fibers and boosts their growth .

Enhances the absorption of hair products: by stimulating blood circulation and unclogging the follicles, the botanical active ingredients in your products are better able to penetrate the bloodstream and really demonstrate their potential. You can and should put a few drops of Super Hair Serum in your hair when you massage.

Relieves tension and stress: massage is deeply relaxing and ends up calming the nervous system. We know that high levels of stress and anxiety can lead to hair loss , and this is a great ritual to prevent that.

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