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O Problema de Não ir à Casa de Banho

The problem with not going to the toilet

I'll never forget the shame I felt during one of my first lessons at the Natural Gourmet my teacher Melanie Ferreira (married to a good Portuguese man of course!) talked about the importance of going to the toilet... how we should "evacuate" at least once a day - but preferably more. How it should be so natural and come out easily that there should be no need to wipe... (By now I was getting even more embarrassed and flushed). Then she talked about the position of the legs, that we should raise the knees slightly to mimic the squatting position which turns out to be the optimum position and that the body is built to be like that - this stool works perfectly. She spoke without shame, without prejudice, without fear... in fact, she had just written an article for the New York Times on the subject.

Unfortunately, this is still a taboo subject and many women are increasingly suffering from digestive problems such as constipation. Constipation is synonymous with abdominal bloating, skin problems and excess weight.

Peace of mind and happiness start in the gut! 95% of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for making us feel good, is produced in the gut - not in the brain! Scientists have even named it the "second brain" because it is lined with nerve tissue that contains more neurons than the spinal cord! In fact, there is more neurological communication going from the gut to the brain than the other way around. So constipation can literally affect the brain and cause anxiety and even depression.  

More progressive doctors are treating anxiety and depression through the gut instead of the brain. Through diet, probiotics and vagus nerve stimulation - because it's not all in your head but in your gut.

We are what we eat e what we can't get rid of. And what we eat can literally cause life or death. Sorry to be so alarmist but we really need to start realizing that there are foods that take much longer to digest, such as meat and dairy products - they can take 3 whole days. These decomposing foods start to ferment and cause gas, illness, premature ageing, weight gain, body odor and skin problems. Whereas fruit and vegetables pass through the body in less than a day - this is one of the reasons why it's advisable to eat fruit BEFORE a meal so that it doesn't get "stuck" on top of the foods that take longer to digest. 

How can this situation be reversed? Without a doubt, take the Digestion Drops. This mixture of medicinal plants concentrated in liquid form will help to "get everything moving". Pour 2 to 4 pipettes full (or directly into your mouth) into a glass of water. Take before or after meals. You can also take it as an SOS - when you're feeling more "run down", with sluggish digestion, bloated...

If you don't love drops or soluble mixtures, opt for Super Detox capsulesthe same mixture but in capsule form - easier to take. Ideally, you should take 2 capsules before each major meal (lunch and dinner) and whenever you feel the most bloated. 

Another tip is to take 1 teaspoon of DETOX mixed in a glass of warm water. Drink it daily before going to bed. This mixture of medicinal plants helps the body eliminate toxins while you sleep, regenerate and recover.

If you don't love drops or soluble mixtures, opt for Super Detox capsulesthe same mixture but in capsule form - easier to take. Ideally, you should take 2 capsules before each major meal (lunch and dinner) and whenever you feel the most bloated. 

An ideal day would look like this:

As soon as you wake up, take 2 to 4 pipettes full of Detox drops diluted in a glass of water.

Take 2 dessert spoons of protein at breakfast Super Feminine which contain fiber, digestive enzymes, pre + probiotics. To help you do a good inner scraping and feed the good bacteria and head off the bad! It's only by balancing your intestinal flora that you'll start to feel big changes in both body and spirit! We have lots of smoothie recipes here.

During the day, try to eat 2 to 4 pieces of varied fruit and 3 to 6 cups of greens. I know it sounds like a lot, but it's not! It's actually the amount we should all be eating to feel good, light and agile!

At each meal or during SOS, take 2 or more pipettes full of Digestion Drops or the Super Detox capsules

After dinner/Before bed, you know - 1 teaspoon of the Detox Blend.


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