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The benefits of showering and how to get the most out of your bath!

So, bath or shower? While a good soak in the bath can be truly delicious, relaxing and restorative, the truth is that experts generally agree that a good shower is more advisable. Of course, each way of taking care of our body by washing it has its advantages and disadvantages, but which is better? That's what we're going to try to find out in this post.

The benefits of showering and how to get the most out of your bath! 

Immersion bath, so what?

We all know the incredible pleasure that a bath can bring: water at the right temperature, the scent of our favorite bath products, maybe even a few candles around to create a really relaxing atmosphere. But the truth is that this self-care idyll has some risks. For example, have you ever thought about the amount of bacteria and fungi that can accumulate on the (apparently clean) surface of a bathtub? It's to prevent them from coming into contact with our skin that it's recommended to wash the bathtub thoroughly before each soak. Which, let's face it, is very nice, but not the most practical thing to do when you're short of time.

Another "issue" is the amount of water we use. Unless you take endless showers, it's very likely that a bath will consume much more water than a normal shower, and that's not very much eco-conscious. Although, under the right conditions, a good bath is wonderful for the skin, the truth is that it consumes another precious commodity we have: time. The time it takes to fill the tub, and the time we spend in the bath. In short, it may be good, but it's not for every day.

Benefits of a good shower

There's no doubt about it: unless your bathtub is spotlessly clean before each bath, a shower is the most hygienic option. Think about it, the only part of your body in contact with the surface is the soles of your feet, so there's less chance of your skin coming into contact with bacteria and fungi.

Showers also consume less water, and are generally better for your skin's health, because contrary to what it sounds like, a long soak in hot water can dry out your skin. Soaking for too long, experts say, can damage the skin barrier, which is why you need to pay extra attention to baths if you have skin problems.

And finally, the time factor, and the practical side. Nothing beats a good shower when it comes to speed and efficiency, especially these days when every second is precious.


How to make your shower unforgettable

Now that you know the differences, you might be thinking: yes, but I still love a good soak in the bath. And nothing against that. Everyone chooses what best suits their nature and lifestyle. And there's nothing wrong with adopting the shower in everyday life (how many of us only really wake up after a shower?) and saving the bath for special occasions.

In any case, a shower is always good, healthy, comfortable and even ecological, but there are ways to make it even better. For example, with our Orange and Ginger shower gelan ultra-refreshing formula with organic ingredients to purify, moisturize and balance the skin, leaving it clean, soft and revitalized. Or discover a novelty that has already become a classic: our exfoliating foamsin three unmissable versions (energize, relax e cotton candy) for a delicious experience that will take any shower to the next level. An irresistible two-in-one that combines the best of both worlds: the foam to cleanse and perfume your skin, and the exfoliant that acts as a regenerating detox, eliminating dead cells, smoothing the skin, attenuating marks and scars, and allowing for deep hydration. As you apply this product to your body, the exfoliant melts and turns into a bath foam you won't forget. A tip: focus on areas of the body where you may have stretch marks and cellulite to reduce their appearance.

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