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"Bigode Chinês": como Prevenir e Reverter

"Chinese moustache: how to prevent and reverse it

This type of wrinkle may not be talked about as much as the famous "crow's feet", but the truth is that the Chinese moustachethe sometimes deep creases that run from the base of the nose down to the side of the mouth, are very common and give the face a heavy expression. This type of wrinkle is part of the group of so-called expression wrinkles (or dynamic wrinkles, caused by repeated movements of the face) and usually appears from the age of 30, with the progressive loss of skin elasticity. There's no doubt that there's nothing beautiful about this "Chinese moustache", but the truth is that there are natural methods to deal with it. In this post, we explain how.

Chinese moustache: how to prevent and treat

Causes of "Chinese moustache"

While we're young, we may not even notice these expression wrinkles, but as collagen and elastin production decreases over the years, the Chinese moustache becomes more pronounced and the creases deeper. Technically, these wrinkles are called "nasolabial folds" because they appear as a result of repeated muscle movements on the sides of the nose.

In addition to the loss of skin elasticity, there are other factors that explain the appearance of the Chinese moustache. The genetic factor is clearly a cause, as it predisposes us to this or that type of wrinkle, but also bad eating habits, smoking, pollution or exposure to the sun without protection.

How to prevent and treat

Although Chinese moustache often has a genetic cause or is the result of natural facial expressions repeated over time, there are ways to prevent and even reduce this type of wrinkle. And this in a completely natural way, by working with your body.

The first and most obvious is undoubtedly to adopt a healthy skincare routine. And be consistent. A must: always use sunscreen, clean and nourish the skin with a good cream or serum.

But perhaps the most transformative answer is the Gua Sha mushroomsmushrooms, which act where wrinkles are, with an incredible massage. This 100% natural beauty tool is a variant of the traditional Gua Sha, with a smaller format and adapted to sensitive areas such as the eyes, or in this case, the area around the lips. Start by applying a few drops of our Radiant Serumwith bakuchiol, the natural alternative to retinol.

Then gently massage the areas with the Cogumelo Gua Sha (if you put it in the fridge first, you'll feel an even more refreshing effect), in the version rose quartz or jade. The massage is done by gently pressing, with small movements, on the eye area and around the lips.

Chinese moustache: how to prevent and treat

Natural Botox

Another option is face cuppingan alternative therapy that consists of sliding silicone cups over the skin of the face, creating a slight suction to improve the contour of the face, "sculpting" it, while activating circulation and stimulating the production of collagen, filling in wrinkles.

This technique with "cups" is the so-called "natural botox", without artificial agents, simply using the power of massage and working with the skin of the face. Our kit contains two silicone cups of different sizes (a larger one for massaging the cheekbones, cheeks, chin and forehead, and a smaller one for using on more delicate areas such as the eye contour). Sculpt serumdeveloped specifically for this massage. The process is always the same: spread a few drops of the serum over the skin and then start cupping, sliding the small suction cups across the face. Start in the center of the face and squeeze the cup to create that suction on the skin. Then slide quickly to the sides and upwards, always from the center to the edges of the face.

As well as being very pleasant, the gentle suction caused by these small cups helps to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin - filling, firming and helping with lymphatic drainage and exercising the facial muscles. You don't need to spend hours on this massage: 5 minutes with the cups circulating and gliding over your skin is enough.

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