Super Woman Capsules

"I'm always tired," "I wake up and it seems I didn't rest," "I attack any snack that appears to me," "I'm just awake thanks to the coffee." Is any of these familiar phrases?

It is very common for women today to suffer from exhaustion and chronic stress. Work and home responsibilities that accumulate, lack of time for themselves ... They live in a constant stress loop, always keeping the body on alert and in constant "Fight or Flight" mode, increasing stress hormone production , cortisol. This, in turn, causes wear on adrenal glands, responsible for the release of this and other important hormones. This cycle is responsible for symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping, constant cravings, swelling, deregulated intestinal transit, skin problems and so many others.

To the Super Woman Capsules They are a natural way to replace the balance that the rush of life takes away. With medicinal plants and adaptogens capable of balancing the nervous and hormonal system, regulating the body's response to stress and cortisol production. These capsules give more energy, reduce stress and anxiety and improve mood and concentration.

What am I going to take?
Adaptogens, as the name implies, are plants capable of adapting when in contact with our body. This means that they can act by compensating for what is in imbalance, whether stimulating or soothing.

To the Super Woman Capsules contain:

Ashwagandha:super effective to protect immune and hormonal systems. Reduces fatigue and increases focus, soothes the nervous system and regulates cortisol production.

Shatavari: This adaptogen supports the reproductive system and even works as an aphrodisiac. Relieves PMS symptoms and supports the hormonal system. It also has a soothing effect.

AMLA : A natural antioxidant, with anti-aging properties. It helps combat oxidative stress and has a positive impact on the skin aspect, giving more firmness and texture.

Rhodiola : Also known as the "golden root", decreases stress, tiredness and anxiety and increases mental clarity. Widely used to support people with exhaustion or low performance (mental and physical).

Reishi : This medicinal mushroom is an excellent ally of our immune system. Improves sleep, relieves stress, stimulates creativity and concentration.

Tulsi or sacred basil: Super rich in antioxidants, it helps combat oxidative stress. It improves mood and is excellent for combating depression and anxiety.

How to take?

Take 2 capsules daily, right in the morning, with or without food. We advise the take for at least 3 months to feel the effects - you already know, consistency is key! Each bottle has 60 capsules, enough for 1 month.