Feel less exhausted

Do you feel tired even before you get out of bed? Need an alarm clock to wake up? Wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep anymore, even being exhausted, and is lying on bed when you think about the few hours you slept and starts to feel even more stressed?

Well… I've been through all this :) And for that reason I tried to get a “cure” because I didn't want to live in this state of despair and tiredness forever. And I can say that with a little personal and food "work", it is possible to change! It is possible to sleep all night (followed), wake up to feel renewed and desire to be part of what the day has to offer.

Here are some tips on everything I did to shoot this exhaustion far away from me:

  1. We have to start with the room, because it is the place where sleep magic happens. Keep your room a "clean" area of ​​electronic things. I imagine that you read this blog should have a more open consciousness to everything that is natural and should not have a TV in the room, and it is one of the worst things you can do for your sleep pace and your hormonal system. Try to think (or visualize) that all the magnetic waves that walk through the atmosphere affect your well -being and health and, since it is difficult to control this factor during the day, try to stop these energies as much as possible! Television or navigating your phone before going to sleep is extremely stimulating for both your energy and your retina, and can make you not to fall asleep as quickly as you would like. What I do is turn off Wi-Fi before we go to bed. So the house is clean at night. No computers before going to sleep or in the room.
    Try to put your phone in flight mode or off. No charging the phone near the bed and now remove everything that has lights and can flash while sleeping (watch, radio, etc.). Sleeping is an act of body regeneration and recovery. It is very important that you can really rest. And this process can have a good cotton sheets, a comfortable clothing of natural fabrics (everything that comes into contact with our skin affects it, because it is our largest organ. The body needs to breathe and nothing worse than synthetic fabrics for more beautiful). If you can always opt for cotton or biological linen.
  2. When you wake up, eat according to the rhythms of your body. This means that You should eat only when you are hungry and not by obligation. It sounds caricatured, but many of us walk on autopilot and eat to think we should. Start by drinking one or more glasses of water at room temperature with 4 pipettes full of Detox drops to moisturize deeply and fill the body with a dose of "green" that help not only with metabolism but also to calm inflammation and strengthen the immune system. As it has been sleeping and the body is most likely dehydrated, sometimes hunger is simply a sign that it is thirsty. If you are hungry after that, it is a good time to consume good fats It is protein - That's exactly what your body needs as a "fuel" for during the day. Beaten They are a great way to get both. When I felt extremely tired, I took the Super feminine, which was specifically formulated to balance the hormonal system (you can find out if yours is balanced here) and provide the body everything you need in one place - medicinal plants for stress and anxiety, 4 types of plant protein, natural collagen, soluble fiber, daily dose of green, omega-3… and the list continues!
  3. It may seem obvious to say that stress has a huge impact on our energy levels and the way we feel throughout the day, but this is really a central factor to reduce fatigue. Of course with the world we live in becomes very difficult (or even almost impossible) to control the stress levels we are exposed to. But what we can and should control is the way our body reacts to this stress! I formulated the Super Woman Capsules With medicinal plants that will protect the woman's body but as simply as possible to add to her morning routine. Early in the morning, with your breakfast or “that” glass of water, just take 2 capsules to energize and enhance longevity. AThey use the ability of the body to deal with stress and anxiety, while having anti-aging effects. The perfect antidote for those who feel exhausted!
    If you want to know more deeply how and why this natural supplement works so well, just see this post.
  4. Try stretching the body. Anyone who follows me knows that I like Tara Stiles a lot. Her videos are super effective. Try this type of yoga repair. It helps to calm the mind and relieve stress and tension accumulated in the body during the day. And you don't have to take a long time - they can only be 5 minutes and you'll see that you will feel much better.  
  5. Make a self massage. Who wouldn't want to receive a daily massage? (I yes!). But as it is difficult to get time to move and go to a massage center, it can do itself - A can see how to do this massage and also work the muscles and make a lymphatic drainage here.

    You can also choose to spend a few minutes to relax the facial tension of the day and to work the elasticity of the skin with a Gua massage and you Favorite Serum. If you want to know more about the various types of massage for a natural facial lifting, You can read here.