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Horóscopo Outubro

October Horoscope

A quick guide to each sign.

This month will mark the transition from the lightness of Libra to a heavier wave, with the energies of Scorpio. And finally, on October 2nd, the third Mercury Retrograde of the year ends - shall we breathe a sigh of relief?

Until October 23rd, you will feel more expansive, optimistic and social, as Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of desire, money and love. From then on, we enter the Scorpio season, marked by individualism and obstinacy. This contrast isn't bad - we just have to know how to use it to our advantage. Here's a quick guide for each sign (and also see what corresponds to your ascendant).


Libra's season pushes her to a moment of visibility. You will feel creative and more productive, but don't try to glue together all the pieces of the puzzle, between the most social and private spheres. As the year ends and a new one begins, you will feel harmony arrive. Try to respond to your most spontaneous needs. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… the Relax exfoliant . You will be in demand and stimulated, which will demand of you, so take the opportunity to relax with a liberating salt scrub and the calming scent of lavender.


You are likely to feel a boost in self-esteem, enjoy looking in the mirror and committing to your healthy routines. Physical exercise, meeting people, working on yourself - this is what you have to think about. From October 23rd, the focus will be on your relationships and partnerships. Good time to start new relationships or strengthen ties, personal or professional, that you want to maintain, depending on your future plans. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… the Revitaliza Kit . If you are feeling good in your skin, focus on the care you offer this organ. The kit has everything you need to tone, hydrate and protect your skin.


Start as many projects as you want and invest in your creative expression. Let your desires speak loudly in the field of relationships. It is time to act, as the next few months will be a time of reflection. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… Creativity Protein . To ensure that you have enough energy to commit to everything you want to build.


The Home sphere is in focus in the first half of the month. Cleaning and changes to spaces are welcome. The second part of the month will be much more intense, with the New Moon shifting the focus to your relationships. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… Sage . Known for clearing energy and purifying the air, it will be welcome in the first part of the month, and also in the second, to give you clarity in moments of doubt.


You're likely to feel super busy during the month, with the Communication zone on the rise. From the 23rd, Saturn enters the Seventh House, that of Relationships, for the last time in the next 30 years. It's a time to reflect on the future and think about what you really want for yourself in the long term. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… Calma , a relaxing drink, with cocoa and other adaptogenic plants, to give you comfort in the most introspective moments.


You are led by Mercury, which has been retrograde, but is now moving into the sphere related to the Self. You may feel especially brilliant in your words and ideas. The Money department will also be in the spotlight. Turn off your restrained side and invest money in something for yourself. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… the Firme Kit , for a firming massage to your body's skin, with Gua Sha working in synergy with a silky, toning oil.


Sun and Venus will be together on the sides of the Self, that is, all the best! You will feel powerful on the inside and radiant on the outside. Mercury, planet of Communication, will also sail in the same direction, starting on the 10th, so it is quite normal for you to feel easy in dialogue and that the world is navigating at your whim. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… the Teeth Kit . You'll want to have your best smile ready to talk, work and, since you feel so beautiful, take some selfies to remind yourself of your best self, when your energies are less positive.


The first part of the month will be more mystical and intense, with dreams, memories of the past and negative instincts. The brighter side will arrive on the 23rd, when the Sun and Venus move into the sphere of the Self, the perfect period to invest in your more carnal and sensual side. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month... is the Super Desire Chocolates , a daily dose of sweet and spicy - two good adjectives to characterize the two halves of the month.


Friendship will be the focus for much of the month. The rest of the year approaches with a smile for the Sagittarius, with an affirmation of emotional connections. Expect self-overcoming, growth, new encounters and strengthening bonds. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… the Mini Serum Kit - to share with someone you feel deserves it as much as you do.


Reputation, career and money are the keywords of the month. You will see new and promising perspectives, on a professional level, and it is a great time to make yourself noticed. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… the Focus Blend , based on Matcha and Ashwagandha, to boost your clarity, assertiveness and energy, without disturbing your stress levels.


Saturn, the planet that rules Aquarius and is responsible for always “giving us a good lesson”, is in transit this month (and was also retrograde). We can say it was a turbulent phase. The second half of the month is perfect for defining challenges, goals and how you want to see yourself in the next 10 years. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… the Ilumina Serum , to enhance your natural glow in this more expansive phase. Well deserved!


The focus of the month is your Intimacy. Pisces know that they can be intense, sensitive and lonely, but the Libra season suggests lightness. Intimacy involves everything from sex to financial burdens and death, so try to take it all in a more gentle way. From the 23rd, Jupiter, the planet that rules Pisces, returns to this sign, so it will be a favorable period, in which you can embrace empathy, compassion, emotionality and the dreamy side that are characteristic of your sign. Your Mpl'beauty product of the month is… the Rituals Kit . It's not always easy to dream and come to reality, or to feel everything 1000 times more than others. This Kit can help you connect more to your meditative and spiritual side.

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