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Horóscopo 2024

Horoscope 2024

Hello 2024! The New Year is here, and it's full of transformation, with Pluto entering the constellation of Aquarius (innovation, yes!), eclipses bringing profound changes to our relationships (Aries/Balance) and Jupiter (expansion) meeting Uranus (revolution) before changing signs, spreading magic through the sign of Gemini. All these movements will impact our collective lives, and on a personal level, bring new beginnings in different areas, depending on your birth chart. Believe it or not, look to the stars, embrace these changes and get ready for a new rollercoaster, the year promises!

 Horoscope 2024


This is the year to get out of your comfort zone, dear Aries native, especially when it comes to your identity and relationships. The Moon's North Node continues to pass through your I house, encouraging you to let go of what no longer matters (karma, karma!) and if you happen to be resisting these changes, on April 8, a total eclipse on the Aries-Balance axis will give you that little push you need to start a new cycle. Jupiter and Uranus are in a rare conjunction in the sign of Taurus, and this will impact your second house of values. Perhaps this is the time to try out a new attitude towards your finances, and be prepared, because with Uranus in the middle, you could be in for some nice surprises in this sector. If you're not convinced, take note: Pluto in your X house, of fame and success, is going to revolutionize the way the world sees you, so ride the wave and show your strength. Marking the whole year, Jupiter's passage through Gemini will awaken the social butterfly in you and increase your popularity: take advantage of this transit to establish connections, make new friends and shine!

MPL' beauty product:  Green Aventurine Eye KitYou'll have great opportunities to make new friends and establish connections, and there's so much that starts with the look.



2024 is the year to connect with your intuition, your instincts, and listen to your inner voice. Believe me, that voice will be your best ally in a period when you'll be very open to experimentation, so take advantage of it! The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus takes place in your sign, and this magical encounter (which will be exact on April 20) will have a special impact on you, opening up incredible new opportunities, if you know how to take advantage of them. This year, Jupiter leaves the sign of Taurus to enter Gemini. Don't be sad: in your 2nd house, this generous planet will bring a lot of expansion and abundance to your finances. For most of May, the beautiful Venus, ruler of your sign, will be in Taurus: take advantage of these vibes to seduce and be enchanted.

MPL' beauty product: It's going to be a fantastic year creatively, so we recommend our Mucunawhich activates the pleasure sensors in the brain.



Welcome Jupiter, the most benevolent of the planets, which makes its grand entrance into your sign on May 25, to stay for approximately two years. Take advantage of its energy and feel more inspired and radiant than ever, because in many ways, this is your year. Meanwhile, Saturn and Neptune pass through your X house, imposing some limits, but also a fanciful and dreamy aspect to your ambitions. It's time to dream big and take advantage of Saturn's structuring force to set deep intentions when it comes to your professional life and reputation. Pluto's entry into the humanitarian sign of Aquarius will affect your area of wisdom, knowledge and travel. Inspire yourself and the world with the communicative power of Gemini women!

MPL' beauty product: Radiant Anti-Dark Spot Face Serumto always look your best, following the good vibes of Jupiter in your sign

 Horoscope 2024


This year, you'll be looking for a balance between social life and introspection. Your sign's characteristic shyness will be challenged during the first half of the year, with Jupiter and Uranus stirring up your 11th house, community and friends. Take the opportunity to make new, transformative and attractive connections, but keep some time for yourself. Then, Jupiter's entry into Gemini in your 12th house will make you more selective and introspective, while strengthening your ability to regenerate. The best times for love will be at the end of February, mid-June (when Venus visits your sign) and the beginning of October. Enjoy them!

MPL' beauty product: O Tooth Kitbecause the moments with friends and in community will bring many smiles and we want you to shine!



What a year to shine, dear Leo! With Jupiter and Uranus in your X house of prestige and fame during the first half of 2024, this is your moment to step on stage and show your cards. Changes are expected in this sector, so feel confident and embrace the new opportunities, making sure that your Leo pride doesn't go to your head. In May, Jupiter enters Gemini, activating your 11th house. It's the time to socialize and communicate, even more so when the Aries-Balance eclipses are going to mess with your expression and communication sector. In terms of love, Pluto's entry into Aquarius, influencing your 7th house, will bring about transformations in your relationships. Meanwhile, Saturn and Neptune, two planets with somewhat contradictory energies, will be in your 7th house, which rules other people's money, but also sexuality. Between these two poles - realism and fantasy - you will have to find a balance. Listen to your intuition and set limits whenever necessary, and all will be well!

MPL' beauty product: This is a perfect year for networking, and the tongue scraper will keep your mouth healthy and always fresh.


During the first half of the year, Jupiter and Uranus will be in your IX house, of higher knowledge, philosophy and travel! Take advantage of this wave to expand your mind and maybe even book that horizon-opening trip you've been putting off. Then Jupiter enters Gemini, in your X house, bringing its expansive energy to your reputation and professional life. Take advantage of the boost this movement brings! One area of great focus this year will be relationships: Saturn and Neptune will be in your opposite sign of Pisces, activating your 7th house. You'll feel the need to structure your relationships, and perhaps even some limitations, but at the same time you'll feel inflated by Piscean energy, which is very fluid, fanciful and dreamy. Between the real and the ideal, the pragmatic Virgo will surely find the balance.

MPL' beauty product: A Foco Soluble Drink will be a great ally in a year that invites you to expand your mind.

 Horoscope 2024



This is the year to show off your talent and creativity, dear Libra. Pluto's passage through your V house will bring your hidden talents to the surface, and perhaps even some amorous eruption, because this is also the sector of true love. At the same time, the eclipses on the Aries-Balance axis continue to stir up your deepest waters. This is the time to face your fears and show yourself as you want to be, asserting your identity and defining your relationships. With Saturn and Neptune energizing your VI house of routines, work and health, taking care of yourself will be a priority in order to find the balance you so desire. Saturn will be invaluable for giving you some structure and putting those routines into practice, while Neptune shows its more therapeutic and restorative side.

MPL' beauty product: Your health and routines will be in focus, so try the Gotas Detox for that balance that all scales seek.



Get ready, dear Scorpio, because 2024 is the year to love! The passage of Jupiter and Uranus through your 7th house during the first half of the year will bring many opportunities and liberation to your relationships. Soon after, Jupiter enters Gemini, energizing your VIII house of eroticism and deep connections, which will accentuate your sexier side. Another important transit is that of Pluto, which enters Aquarius putting the transformative focus on the most intimate area of your life: your family, your roots, and even your home (perhaps it's the right time to do those renovations). The Aries-Balance eclipse season will shake up your routines and encourage you to take care of yourself, body, mind and spirit, in a more holistic and connected way.

MPL' beauty product:Super Hair Shampoobecause this year brings many opportunities to find true love and we want you to look beautiful from head to toe



What a great year to get fit, dear Sagittarius! With Jupiter and Uranus in your house of routines, fitness and health, for practically the entire first half of the year, you'll feel that energy and optimism to introduce changes and new super-healthy habits into your day-to-day life. Take advantage of the momentum. Another area of focus will be relationships: Jupiter's entry into Gemini will bring a huge expansion to this area of your life, and at the same time the North Node in Aries activates your house of passions, romance and expression. This only happens once every 18 or 20 years, so follow your heart and shoot all the arrows you have, after all, you're a Sagittarius!

MPL' beauty product: An excellent year for exercise and falling in love, and on both occasions your skin will thank you for it. Jasmine & Kakadu solid moisturizer.

 Horoscope 2024


After 16 years in your sign, the great transformer, Pluto, is finally moving into Aquarius, and this is great news for you, dear Capricorn. By now you will have learned your lesson, and after many transformations, you are ready to move on, secure and confident. During the first half of the year, the Jupiter-Uranus wonder duet will be in your passionate and creative house V. This transit will inflate your creativity and create many opportunities for you to shine, even professionally, in the good way of the ambitious Capricorn woman. This is a year of great activity and expansion in the area of your routines and health: Jupiter in Gemini, in your VI house, will bring you all the energy you need to focus on your well-being. Can you feel the energy?

MPL' beauty product: 2024 invites you to get super fit, and our Tangerine, deodorant stick will make you feel fresh after exercise



If there's one sign that's going to feel Pluto's transformative vibes, it's yours, dear Aquarian! The only constant in this life is change, and that will be especially true for you from this year onwards, with the entry of Pluto, the great revolutionizer, into your sign, where you will spend - get ready - the next two decades! And what does this mean? Basically, you have an unmissable opportunity to awaken hidden parts of your personality and steer your life in the direction that really makes sense. Meanwhile, this year Jupiter enters Gemini, activating your house of creativity and passions: a great time to show off your talent and find love. One area to watch out for this year is finances: there is some duality in your relationship with money this year, with Saturn and Neptune, both in Pisces, bringing some limitations and confusion to this area. This year also invites you to cultivate relationships with the people closest to you - neighbors and siblings - without forgetting the world outside, or if you weren't the Humanitarian of the Zodiac. From spring onwards, the eclipses in Aries-Balance will activate this axis of your life, motivating you to make small changes that can change the world!

MPL' beauty product: With Pluto in your sign, this year promises transformation. O Regenerating balm will help you embrace new beginnings.



Saturn continues to wander through your sign, dear Pisces, bringing some weight and responsibilities into your life. But don't despair! Saturn's role is to bring order to chaos, and we all need some structure in our lives. Saturn also brings consistency and solidity, so take advantage of this energy to stabilize where you need to. Meanwhile, Pluto's entry into Aquarius, one of the most impactful transits of the year, will activate your 12th House, where Pisces feel very good, because it rules the imagination, the subconscious and spirituality. Deepen this side of yourself with the transformative power of Pluto. But it's not all spirituality: the eclipses in Aries-Libra in 2024 will mess with your house II, linked to everything material, and, at the other extreme, house VIII, which rules eroticism, among other things. It's time to explore your more sensual side, while at the same time immersing yourself in the deepest and most transformative connections. How wonderful!

MPL' beauty product:Calma soluble drink is perfect for finding balance in a year that brings moments of sharing but also of introspection.

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