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De Dentro Para Fora com Sofia Cotrim

From the Inside Out with Sofia Cotrim

I'm SofiaI was born in Rio de Janeiro in 79. My mother went to Brazil with my grandparents and ended up meeting my father, a native of Rio de Janeiro. I'm the eldest of three sisters. And I'm lucky to have them around. I was the first of my friends to get married and this year we're on our way to 23 years together. I have three wonderful children and a dog. 

I'm very curious and I love crafts. I like DIY, embroidery, photography, some types of painting, cooking. These are such different things that when I had to choose a name for my project it could only be a name where I could put my whole world inside, and so I called it "Sofia's World". 

I'm very happy doing what I do. 

 From the Inside Out with Sofia Cotrim


Sign: Aries 

Season: Summer, how could you not! 

A color: Yellow 

A book: One I've just finished reading, Crooked Plow written by a Brazilian, Itamar Vieira Junior 

A movie: Coco before Chanel 

A song: I Will Survive by Gloria GaynorIt was one of the top songs when I was born. 

A podcast: Because yes is not an answer by Eduardo Sá. 

An object: Scissors, the superstitious say they shouldn't be given as gifts, which is a shame. 

Favorite place in the world: My grandmother's farm in Brazil 

Inside Out with Sofia Cotrim


Who and what inspires you?  My family. 

What do you still have to create? So many things, my head is always buzzing with ideas, all I need is time. This World of Sofia of mine really is a world. 

How do you maintain your creativity? By paying attention to everything around us, inspiration can come from anywhere. 

 Inside Out with Sofia Cotrim


First thing to do when you wake up: Look at the phone which is a terrible habit, next I usually finish the glass of water I have by my bedside. 

How to relax at the end of the day: A walk outdoors with any of my children is ideal. 

A place to switch off: The countryside. 

Favorite physical exercise: Hiking with my husband. 

How you release stress: A good night's sleep always helps. 

A woman who inspires you: My mother. 

 Inside Out with Sofia Cotrim


Your ideal diet is... The one I don't have but should have. 

What you always have in the fridge: Eggs, fruit and dark chocolate. 

Dinner-saver recipe: Boiled hake with broccoli, eggs and potatoes. 

Favorite drink: Coca-cola 0 

Favorite snack: Rice crackers with dark chocolate 

Favorite restaurant:  Segundo Muelle 

Favorite cookbooks: Isalita 

 Inside Out with Sofia Cotrim


Icon of beauty: Audrey Hepburn 

An essential piece of clothing: Colorful scarves 

What's not missing from your beauty routine: moisturizing cream e sunscreen. 

Favorite MPL'beauty product: The Kit Super Lifting Massager 

How do you feel more beautiful?  When I look good in a long dress. 

 Favorites of the Week


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