A Madalena is undoubtedly a very special entrepreneur... one who never gives up and is always looking for more! In addition to her successful brand Zilian - a 100% Portuguese shoe brand that combines comfort with sophistication - she has other projects, including the Tap Dancea wonderful podcast.
Sign: Aquarius
Season: Summer
A color: White always, but I love many colors! Now, eggplant!
A book: Where the wind cries
A movie: Life is Beautiful
A song: the soundtrack to The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain
A podcast - Tap dancing 😜
An object: a candle
Favorite place in the world: a deserted beach

Who or what inspires you? People, stories, emotions inspire me. Materials, textures, colors, shapes, smells. I'm inspired by beautiful things.
What have you yet to create? So much... constantly changing/evolving...
How to maintain creativity: with maximum curiosity and always keeping an eye on everything!

First thing to do when you wake up: sit up in bed and stretch my back
How to relax at the end of the day: not at the end of the day, with 3 children you can't relax at that time 😂 but when everyone is asleep I relax by reading and "listening" to the silence in the house. I value silence more and more!
A place to switch off: watching the sea
Favorite physical exercise: Dancing / hiking
How you release stress: dancing! laughing!
A woman who inspires you: my mother

Your ideal diet is: fast and healthy
What you always have in the fridge: Ice water, fruit
Dinner-saver recipe: Pasta with anything
Favorite drink: Watermelon juice
Favorite snack: Dark chocolate
Favorite restaurant: Hikidashi
Favorite cookbooks: cooking is not my strong suit, my husband cooks beautifully! :) Cru, by Inês Simas

Beauty icon: Confident, fighting women, beauty comes from within. I like sober beauty.
An essential piece of clothing: Jeans and a white t-shirt (to go with any pair of shoes!).
What's not missing from your beauty routine: lots of moisturizing
Favorite MPL'beauty product: Regenera and Super Hair Shampoo
How do you feel more beautiful? Well slept and tanned