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Detox Yogurt Bar

Why not?!.. I saw this recipe on Instagram the other day and decided to recreate it using ingredients that make sense to me and bring a delicious flavor to this recipe.


serves 6 to 8


2 cups of yogurt you can use whatever type you want (vegan or not) it must be thick like "Greek"

1 heaping teaspoon of Detox mix

4 pipettes or more of Detox drops

honey or maple syrup to taste, optional

coconut shavings and raspberries for decoration, optional


    1. Line a pan with parchment paper. Reserve.
    2. In a large bowl, mix the yogurt with the detox drops, detox mix and honey or maple syrup. Incorporate well.
    3. Turn the mixture into the prepared pan and even out with the back of a spoon.
    4. Sprinkle with coconut flakes and raspberries, if using.
    5. Place in the freezer until firm. Break into pieces. Eat or store in the freezer.

    * this recipe must be stored in the freezer or it will melt.

    You can sprinkle with seeds, nuts or any other topping you like.

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