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I've been a communicator for as long as I can remember, with an easy smile, glass half full, ball forward, I was reborn as a mother five years ago and, since then, I've been exploring this new and endless territory every day. My story is fueled by the restlessness to explore the world. I'm passionate about discovering and sharing stories of life, of overcoming, of building, of change. Life without poetry is commitment and obligation, and then I'm not happy. Art, in its various manifestations, moves me. It makes me feel that it's worth coming here. I'm sure that greatest wealth is to have a family, to love, smile and hug, and that viving slowly is a privilege. Having time to feel time pass is my idea of success. 


Sign: Taurus

Season: I am summer

A color: the colors of autumn

A book: "Lolita", Nabokov

A movie: The Great Beautyby Paolo Sorrentino

A song: "Follow the sun", Xavier Rudd

A podcast: "Wiser than me"by Julia Louis-Dreyfus

An object: I keep a simple thread with an inverted rose, by Juliana Bezerra. It marked an era.

Favorite place in the world: I'd walk back tomorrow at dawn around the Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu.


Who and what inspires you? Stories of resilience and change. Stories of overcoming or reinvention. 
What have you yet to create? TI have two children that I'm raising and I still have to come up with the next chapter, how to finance dreams dreams of restoring a house on a hill in the Alentejo of my childhood, or spending a good year traveling, getting to know the world.
How do I keep my creativity going? By keeping our curiosity alive, our eagerness to see what's around us, our eyes always awake, our minds impregnated with images, sounds, ideas and words from others, with good references. Always being ready to find the beauty in things. 


First thing to do when you wake up: There's the wake-up kiss and then the morning routine has to be set in motion, giving priority to the children. In between tasks, I drink two large glasses of warm water. 

How to relax at the end of the day: Relaxing is something I do in the morning when I go training The end of the day here at home is a time for baths and dinners. After 9pm, when the little ones are asleep, I have time to put on my headphones and listen to music and read the day's news before going to sleep. 
A place to switch off: For me disconnecting is not associated with a physical place, it's a mental state that I reach while walking, whether in the city, by the Tagus river, on the beach or in the countryside. I also switch off when I'm contemplating a sunset, the movement of the waves, the wind in the branches or feeling the sun on my face.
Favorite physical exercise: Yoga and Pilates. However, this is not my current practice. When I reached 40, I began to value the results of weight training, so I do it 3X a week in the gym.


A woman who inspires you: I'm surrounded by resilient, intelligent, insightful women. My sister, my manager, my friends. Let me single out one friend: Cláudia Semedo. She is a greater being. A creative and restless mind, kind, eloquent and very capable, the kind you don't expect. She makes things happen. She is magnanimous, strong and never self-centered. She's cultured and wise; listening to her is a comfort and a light. She's one of those who fights and is very clear about her struggles. All of her is detail and love and the sum of so many virtues, she really is a good person. 


Your ideal diet is... varied, Mediterranean, fresh, raw, often vegetarian, occasionally oriental and Italian.

What you always have in the fridge: on the list of "must-haves!" -are eggs, cheese, fruit, vegetables and greens.

Dinner-saving recipe: Eggs with a salad or pasta with tomato sauce (I use valfrutta's organic rustic passata).

Favorite drink: Fresh water, lemongrass or lime verbena tea, in festive mode, a glass of red wine.

Favorite snack: pistachios, nuts and dates, cucumber, blueberries

Favorite restaurant: I have several but I'll remember the vegetarian one Psi because it suffered a drop in traffic after the pandemic, but it's still such a nice place and the food so comforting that it deserves a return to other times.

Favorite cookbooks: I don't have a favorite. I consult the platforms more. 


Beauty icon: Rita Hayworth

An essential piece of clothing: jeans and t-shirt

What's not missing from your beauty routine: a drops of oil before cream cream and sun protection. 

Favorite MPL'beauty product: Effective: Concentrated eye contour serum

How do you feel most beautiful? After a day at the beach. Golden, moisturized skin on a happy face.

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