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If you're looking for inspiration to eat better, without having to get bored of eating the same thing over and over again, then you need to follow Marta - and maybe go to one of her workshops! Always plant-based, she can even create recipes from cuisines around the world, which would look wonderful, if it weren't for Marta, who is also a food stylist.

You'll see that the beach and the sun appear many times throughout the interview, as a place to recharge batteries and enjoy free time, which is why face sunscreens and foot kit could only be among Marta's essentials - it's always the protect your skin so we can get a healthy and beautiful tan, like hers!

Get to know her better in this week's Inside Out.


Sign: Aries.

Season of the year: Summer.

One color: Aqua green.

A book: The path of the Peaceful Warrior .

A film: Grease .

A song: Summercat by Billie The Vision & The Dancers or any song by Parov Stelar .

A podcast: At this moment - Voz de Cama .

An object: My bed.

Favorite place in the world: Poço da Ribeira do Ferreiro .


Who and what inspires you? My friends, a day at the beach and traveling! These are moments when I switch off and let my mind relax.

What do you still need to create? I hope a lot. The only thing I feel missing now is a place that is truly mine, a refuge.

How to stay creative: Walks by the sea, walks in nature and traveling. Above all, go out and experience it!


First thing to do when waking up: Stretch and breathe consciously.

How to relax at the end of the day: Walk with Mocca (my dog).

A place to disconnect: Beach!

Favorite physical exercise: Now, walking. But I miss martial arts.

How you release stress: Breathe deeply and if you can: by the sea.

A woman who inspires you: The first thing that comes to mind is my mother, my daughter who makes me evolve immensely and (re)know a new person in myself and more recently, Me!
Thinking about a more "recognized" option that changed the world: Frida Kahlo .


Your ideal diet is… fruit and vegetables! fresh and full of colors.

What you always have in the fridge: Lots of fruit and vegetables!

Dinner-saving recipe: Coriander and garlic pasta with sautéed mushrooms.

Favorite drink: Water, wine and kombucha.

Favorite snack: Dates with cashew butter.

Favorite restaurant: Hifen and Boa Bao .

Favorite cookbooks: Cook beautiful and Mind Food .


Beauty icon: Keira Knightley .

An essential piece of clothing: Kimonos.

What's not missing in your beauty routine: Serum , face cream and protector .

Favorite MPL'beauty product: It was the tongue scraper with the shine elixir but now it's the foot treatment kit (everyone should have one!).

How do you feel more beautiful? After a day at the beach, with tanned skin and hydrated skin with body oil .

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