Today you can get to know Madalena Rugeroni better, one of the co-creators of Favorite People , a brand of overalls for children that I love - I'm just sad that none of my children fit into them 😅
I see myself in the way Madalena cares for her family and I love how she conveys that sweetness in the things she creates.
I really thought it would be worth getting to know her better and she is the woman in today's Inside Out. I think you'll love it too!

Zodiac sign: Gemini
Season of the year: Summer
One color: White or Black
A book: Blue Ocean Strategy
A movie: Pearl Harbor
A song: Pink Floyd, Wish you were here
A podcast: Tim Ferriss show
An object: Book
Favorite place in the world: Txai, Brazil

Who and what inspires you? New challenges. My family. Travel. Books. The nature.
What do you still need to create? I would love to paint more and take a ceramics course . One day I will launch a new tech startup again.
How to maintain creativity: Research, reading and being surrounded by people who make things happen.
First thing to do when waking up: Check if my daughter is awake yet.
How to relax at the end of the day: A sunset somersby
A place to disconnect: Comporta
Favorite physical exercise: Does Netflix and the couch count?
How you release stress: Dinners with friends
A woman who inspires you: My mother.

Your ideal diet is … good sushi!
What you always have in the fridge: Butter
Dinner-saving recipe: Tuna Lasagna
Favorite drink: Water
Favorite snack: Cookies!
Favorite restaurant: Mini bar
Favorite cookbooks: I don't have any favorites.

An essential piece of clothing: White T-shirt and jeans
What's not missing in your beauty routine: Moisturizing face cream
Favorite MPL'beauty product: Verão Puro Sol Kit
How do you feel more beautiful? After a good day at the beach, burnt out and with revitalized energy.