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DDPF Birgit Sfat

DDPF Birgit Sfat

If there's a beautiful feed, conveying tranquility and lightness, it's Birgit Sfat's. She moved from San Francisco to Lisbon and her Over the Ocean page reflects that - travel, places, family, beach, sun... I love following her and I think you'll also enjoy getting to know her better!


Zodiac sign: Pisces

Season: All seasons. I love that we have different seasons. Especially since Autumn and Winter are quite mild in Portugal! ;-)

One color : Yellow.

A film: Footloose .

One song: Feist/I feel it all .

A podcast: Pod Save America .

An object: A small bowl filled with sand from Ocean Beach , in San Francisco, closed with a sapphire and engraved with our initials that I wear as a necklace. 

Favorite place in the world : Ria Formosa in winter.


Who and what inspires you?
Discover beauty in the ordinary, every day and while traveling.

What do you still need to create? A book.

How to stay creative: Keep my eyes and heart open as I walk (literally!) through life.

First thing to do when waking up:
Go out of our bedroom door onto the terrace, breathe and stretch. Then wake up my daughter with a kiss.

How to relax at the end of the day: Family dinner.

A place to disconnect: Our house in Moncarapacho .

Favorite physical exercise: Walking the dogs, yoga, swimming.

How you release stress: A long walk on the beach, preferably when it's still very early and still foggy.

A woman who inspires you: My friend Regina who, despite the challenges, followed her passion and started studying Landscape Architecture at the age of 48.


Your ideal diet is…
Middle Eastern mezze, Italian pasta and pizza, Portuguese grilled fish, Vietnamese soups, Thai curries, Greek salad…. I love diversity!

What you always have in the fridge: Dijon mustard, capers, parmesan, Greek yogurt, dark chocolate, preserved lemons.

Dinner-saving recipe: Spaghetti al Tonno.

Favorite drink: Natural wine from Portugal.

Favorite snack: Toasted natural fermentation bread with Gleba hazelnut cream and sliced ​​banana, or savory, with fresh goat cheese and red peppers.

Favorite restaurant: in Lisbon: Prado Mercearia , Ritalinos , Senhor Uva .

Favorite cookbooks: Not classic cookbooks, but I love the wabi-sabi welcome and al fresco books with recipes and inspiring thoughts on hosting and gathering around food by Julie Pointer Adams .


Beauty icon: Women who accept aging (without botox or plastic surgery) like Julianne Moore .

An essential piece of clothing: white (t-)shirt , sailor pants and K-Jacques sandals.

What's not missing from your beauty routine: Sun protection .

Favorite MPL'beauty product: MAR Body Oil .

How do you feel more beautiful? When I'm relaxed and happy.

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