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DDPF - Bé Miranda

DDPF - Bé Miranda

will always have a very special place in the MPL'beauty team!

It's present in practically all of our productions and it's what leaves me with impeccable skin and hair for every live (you've asked so many times, now you know!).

In addition to being an excellent professional, she is a dear friend to the entire team and a loving mother. Despite his busy life and always moving from one place to another on shootings, he always makes time for us! Follow her and her wonderful work , because it's really worth it. Even if it's just to get ideas for outfits and accessories - because hers are always on point!


Zodiac sign: Aries

Season of the year: Spring

One color: White

A book: Os Maias , I read when I was 11, and it marked the way I saw Portuguese and my writing. I love the classics

A film: The Perks of being a Wallflower

A song: Harvest moon - Neil young

A podcast: Extremely unpleasant

An object: Sunglasses :) I love it

Favorite place in the world: Douro


Who and what inspires you? My son :)

What do you still need to create? A brand of your own

How to stay creative: Travel, see beautiful places, walk in cities, people watch


First thing to do when waking up: Stretch! Ahahah Have breakfast calmly. It rarely happens but it's one of the things that gives me the most pleasure

How to relax at the end of the day: With a glass of Aperol on a terrace

A place to disconnect: Sagres

Favorite physical exercise: Pilates

How to release stress: Walk

A woman who inspires you: My mother


What you always have in the fridge: Oranges, soup

Dinner-saving recipe: Risotto

Favorite drink: Orange juice

Favorite snack: Tangerines

Favorite restaurant: Habitat

Favorite cookbooks: I have some by Jamie Oliver and Mafalda Pinto Leite :):)


Beauty Icon: Alexa Chung

An essential piece of clothing: Jeans

What's not missing in your beauty routine: Thermal water

Favorite MPL'beauty product: Sea body oil

How do you feel more beautiful? During summer holidays, at the end of the day, after the beach, with a shower, with my skincare, without makeup

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