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Batido Anti-Alergias


THE PRimavera is almost here And with it the seasonal allergies. Suffers from sneezing, clogged nose, watery eyes and itching, this beaten can be the natural solution you need!

Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients, this beaten strengthens the immune system and reduces the symptoms of allergies, helping the body balance the histaminic response.

How does this beat help reduce allergies?

The ingredients of this recipe were carefully chosen by their natural anti-allergic benefits:

Orange or tangerine - Superdose of vitamin Cessential to reduce inflammation and modulate the allergic response of the body.

Kiwi - Excellent source of antioxidants and enzymes that help regulate the immune system.

Lemon or lime - detoxifies the body, reducing toxins that can aggravate allergies.

Honey -Natural antihistamine, helps reduce the symptoms of allergies.

Blend Immunity - A powerful mixture of adaptogenic, spice and antioxidant plants that help the reduce inflammation, balance the immune system and relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies. Here is how each ingredient contributes to a natural defense against allergies:

  • Turmeric  - powerful natural anti-inflammatory, reduces nasal congestion and helps balance the immune response to avoid exaggerated allergic reactions.
  • Ginger - Acts as a Natural Decongestant, reducing inflammation of the airways and helping to relieve stuffy nose and cough associated with allergies.

  • Cinnamon - It has antimicrobial and antihistamine propertieshelping to regulate the immune response and reduce sneezing and eye irritation.

  • Cardamom - Known for its effect natural antihistamine, assists in reducing respiratory tract inflammation and improves breathing.

  • Ashwagandha  - Adaptogen that helps reduce stress levelsa factor that can aggravate allergic symptoms. In addition, it strengthens immunity to make the body more resistant to seasonal allergies.

  • Mucun - Rich in L-dopa, a precursor of dopamineIt helps modulate the immune response and reduce inflammatory symptoms caused by allergies.

Add a teaspoon this blend At the beaten is a practical and delicious way to obtain these benefits and relieve the symptoms of allergies in a natural way.

Anti-Aklergies Beaten Recipe


1 orange or 2 tangerines, peeled
1 kiwi, peeled
½ lemon juice
½ cup of vegetable milk (almond, oats or coconut)
1 teaspoon of the mixture Immunity
1 teaspoon of honey or atcer syrup (optional)


  1. Add all ingredients to the blender.
  2. Beat until you get a creamy and homogeneous mixture.
  3. Drink immediately to enjoy all the nutrients in your most powerful state!

When should you drink this beaten?

In the morningto start the day with an immune boost.
Before leaving hometo reduce the symptoms of allergies throughout the day.
After an outdoor walkto relieve inflammation and decongest.

This beaten anti-alergies It is the perfect solution for those who want to deal with seasonal allergies in a natural way, without resorting to medicines. Bet on functional nutrition And say goodbye to the annoying symptoms of spring!

Try it and say us: What are your natural tricks to relieve allergies? Comment below!

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