There are several massage techniques, based on circular movements, long and continuous movements or tapping.
Circular movements:
Touch the comb to the roots of your scalp, applying some pressure. Make circular movements, between 5 and 10 times, to one side and then reverse the direction.
Repeat the same process in other areas of the scalp: on the sides of the head, near the ears, on the back of the neck and even on the neck, if desired.
Long, continuous movements:
Apply some pressure at the beginning of the hairline and slide the comb to the nape of the neck, between 5 and 10 times.
Apply a few drops of serum to the neck and do the same movement, starting at the base of the neck and moving up to the nape of the neck.
Make several touches with the comb to stimulate energy circulation. Just "tap" lightly with the comb, along the hair roots.
You can use the comb on dry scalp or with a few drops of Super Hair Serum. Do this massage with the Jade Comb 2 to 3 times a week.