Firm kit

Want to reduce cellulite and improve your body's firmness? This kit is for you!

O Firm kit consists of a adelganizing oil it is a Water - It was thought specifically to soften, straighten, tone, sculpt and drain the skin. Firm body oil activates circulation and acts as a natural adelgaunch, formulated with 100% biological ingredients. In addition to its reducing properties, it is extremely moisturizing, allowing the Gua to slide more effectively. O Water that accompanies the oil has the perfect shape to do body massage.

This is the ritual that will completely transform your skin, helping to stimulate lymphatic flow, facilitating muscle liberation and softening orange peel skin. For best results, use the products together and consistently. While the oil helps moisturize the skin, the Water It helps the product to penetrate deeper layers of the skin, providing greater absorption and effectiveness.

Massage Benefits:

It stimulates lymphatic circulation: which allows the body to eliminate excess fluids and toxins, thus reducing swelling. Massage also instantly improves the appearance of the skin. How to oxygenate the skin, making it firmer, attenuates the appearance of cellulite.

The gua shame

Very famous for the reputation of being the Stone of Wisdom, white quartz is much sought after not only for its rare beauty, but especially for its numerous mystical and therapeutic properties. It is an excellent mineral to recompose people's energies, especially the famous physical exhaustion. That is, it works very well as a revitalizing tool. It has rejuvenating powers, capable of combating free radicals and maintaining full health of cells and tissues. Consequently, it is ideal for improving skin texture.

What is each surface for?

Dated part - allows to stimulate the tissue deeply and localized, reducing the appearance of cellulite and sagging; Concave surface in U - circumvents and sculpt the smaller and smaller parts of our body (such as arms, shoulders and ankles); Pontiagudo Side - Helps to soften zones with cellulite or tense muscles; Soft side on top - softens the skin and deeply massaches the fabric. 

Common questions:

How much pressure should I do in the massage?

When performing this massage, it can apply a firm pressure with the stone Waterbut should not hurt. Avoid using the tool on skin with cuts, scratches, bruises or other rashes. Massage under sensitized skin is advised against.

How do I clean my gua?

Clean your stone with warm water and a cleanser or soap suitable for the skin. We recommend cleaning it before each use and storing it in a bag or other protective enclosure, as it is still a fragile tool.

How many times should I do this massage ritual?

For best results, the ideal will be at least 3 times a week. Daily use is encouraged, but no more than once a day.

Do you still have questions?

We are available to help you through WhatsApp, email or digital channels.