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Guide to Natural Oral Care




Ever since I started MPL'beauty, I always knew I wanted to develop oral care products. I was always impressed to read on the labels of toothpastes and mouthwashes how dangerous it would be if I swallowed them. How can I feel safe having them in my mouth then? And in children's mouths? Especially when we have lots of blood vessels, especially under the tongue, which are basically a shortcut to greater absorption of anything that comes into contact with that area?

Good oral hygiene is more than just having white teeth. It's the entrance to our body, where the digestive system begins and with links to the hormonal, immune and respiratory systems. It is the second largest microbiome in the body, after the intestinal microbiome. It is estimated that there are between 6 and 10 billion microbes in the mouth, from around 800 different species. This "population" performs vital functions: o transportation of minerals in the saliva to the teethremineralizing them; transporting oxygen to the gums and soft tissues; elimination of free radicals and other waste productss. And of course, protects us from external aggressors such as viruses. The microbes present in the mouth also colonize the intestineThey can support the immune system or cause chronic inflammation or immune dysregulation, depending on how you take care of your mouth.

It's worth emphasizing that there are no good or bad bacteriabut rather bacteria that behave positively (probiotics) e negative (pathogenic) depending on the terrain in which they act. In other words, there are bacteria associated with tooth and gum problems that are completely harmless in a balanced oral microbiome.

There are several things that can compromise the oral microbiome, such as using chemicals to brush your teethhaving a a diet rich in refined carbohydrates, having a low pH or simply high levels of stress. In addition to eating a balanced diet (it really is true that sugar is bad for your teeth!), cleaning our mouths daily with natural products is the best way to keep the oral microbiome healthy. It not only prevents the appearance of local problems such as gingivitis, cavities or bad breath, but also immune and hormonal disorders. 


Step-by-step oral care routine


1. The first thing to do when you wake up is to clean your tongue with a copper scraper, a practice of Ayurvedic medicine. During sleep, waste and toxins accumulate on the tongue, which we must remove before brushing our teeth or drinking/eating something (and swallow this waste). In Ayurveda, the tongue is a diagnostic organ, reflecting our internal state. It's a good practice to observe your tongue every morning, noticing the amount of accumulated waste (that whitish part) and its color (sometimes more yellowish). When there's too much waste, it's because there's too much ama in the body - the Ayurvedic term for toxins. We spend the night with our mouths closed and our internal organs working in their natural detoxification process. That's why it's essential to remove the accumulated waste on the tongue, a process that also awakens the gastric enzymes for their digestive work.

It's simple: all you have to do is pass the scraper from the back to the tip of the tongue, removing the accumulated residue. You'll see that a sort of yellowish liquid comes out. Rinse the utensil and repeat a few more times until it comes out clean.


2. Immediately after cleaning your tongue, it's important to rinse with an oil-based solution, another Ayurvedic practice - the so-called oil pulling. Traditionally it's done with sesame, sunflower or coconut oil, for 20 minutes! I know it can seem like an eternity if you're not used to it, but try starting with at least 3 minutes and increasing the time. The anti-inflammatory benefits of the oils protect the gums and relax the muscles and joints (can help with bruxism, migraines or even sore throats) and coconut oil is great for keeping teeth white. It's normal for the liquid to turn yellow at the end, a sign that it has retained all the impurities. When Elixir Shinesbased on coconut and sesame oils, I also added botanical essential oils such as cardamom, peppermint and clove, for a boost of antimicrobial and digestive properties.

It's very important not to swallow the oil or pour it straight down the sink - oils can solidify and clog drains. Put it on a piece of paper and throw it in the bin.


3. Then it's time to brush your teeth. You should use a natural formula that remineralizes your teeth and protects your gums. A Cardamom Toothpaste may seem strange at first because it's salty, but there's a good reason! It's a powerful antisepticcapable of balance the pH of the mouth and prevent the entry of pathogens. Clay and baking soda remineralize the teeth and help keep them white. The essential oils were chosen for their antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties. 

Super Tip: For a feeling of extra freshness, add just 1 drop of Refresca Drops to your toothpaste or a glass of water to rinse your mouth.


Don't forget to flossing regularly and brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush from time to timeto ensure that hard-to-reach areas are thoroughly cleaned. Whenever possible, use biodegradable toothbrushes! Our has the extra advantage of being rechargeable, reducing waste even more.

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