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Siliana does a fantastic job of personalized organization (I could spend hours watching her videos) and gives lots of tips on Instagram - follow it because it's worth it!

I started following her a while ago and, in addition to the usefulness of the information she provides, I also immediately loved her vibe. Always smiling, with great taste and paint.
That's why I decided to bring her here and show a little more about the woman behind @feng__si - from the inside out.

And all products chosen by Siliana will be 15% off until next Friday! Just use the code: FENGSI15

Bull sign
Season of the year WINTER & SUMMER
One color BLACK (all black everything) 
A book What I'm reading right now “ Be a Hero every day ” by Robin Sharma 
An Eat Pray Love film  
A song Kiss of Life (Sade)
A podcast Quem Pode Pod & On Purpose with Jay Shetty
A cell phone object
Favorite place in the World Paris 

Who and what inspires you? The people I interact with, who add something to my life every day and who inspire me to be better!

What do you still need to create? All! I have the dream of increasing my business... shhhhhhh, but I'm still going to keep it a secret!!! 

How to maintain creativity: Sharing experiences, Traveling.... 

First thing to do when waking up: Give thanks 
How to relax at the end of the day: Good company and a glass of wine
A place to disconnect: Facing the Sea
Favorite physical exercise: With my PT
How you release stress: With a good bath!
A woman who inspires you: All the women around me, as well as those I meet inspire me, whether through their personal or professional journey... you including Mafalda :)) 

Your ideal diet is…. Mediterranean 
What you always have in the fridge: Gelatin 
Dinner-saving recipe: Ceviche 
Favorite drink: Champagne!!!!!!!!!
Favorite snack: Grapes 
Favorite restaurant:Jncquoi Avenida
Favorite cookbooks: my aunt Paula's cookbook 

Beauty icon: Naomi Campbell, Ashley Graham, Doutzen Kroes
An essential piece of clothing: Blazer 
What's not missing in your beauty routine: Body Oils and Lip Balm 
Favorite MPL'beauty product: Lip Care Kit
How do you feel more beautiful? Naked! When I reveal all my physical and more precisely emotional layers, I allow myself to be free - I give space to self-empowerment.
I have the privilege of facing my vulnerabilities without judgment when I'm naked and with myself.

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