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Lymphatic drainage: detox and less cellulite, all without leaving home!

Think of your body as a city, with streets, roads and highways - these passageways are your lymphatic system, where the body expels toxic excesses that accumulate in the tissues. Unlike blood, which has the help of the heart to be pumped throughout the body, the lymph needs gentle muscular contractions to reach the lymph nodes , located in the neck, forearms, sternum, abdomen, top of the thighs, behind the knees and elbows - that's why it's important for us to be the ones to give that stimulus to our body.

In the background, The lymphatic system has a purification function and supporting lymphatic drainage can be useful for numerous things:

  • Regularize bowel movements
  • Improve digestion
  • Have cleaner, more luminous skin
  • Improve skin texture and prevent/reduce cellulite
  • Improve cases of chronic headaches
  • Relieve muscle tension
  • Improve the immune response
  • Relieve menstrual symptoms
  • Increase energy and vitality

Lymphatic Drainage Tools and Routines

Body brush

Body brush

One of the most effective (and oldest) ways to stimulate lymphatic drainage, by promoting blood circulation and preventing stagnation of lymphatic flow. Furthermore, it removes dead cells, exfoliates the skin and stimulates its firmness and elasticity.

When? Twice a week, preferably first thing in the morning, before showering and on dry skin.

As? Always from the extremities to the lymph nodes. From feet to thighs, from hands to shoulders, from neck to shoulders. And with circular movements on the belly, buttocks and back. read more here .

Firme Kit - oil and gua sha

Firm Kit - Gua Sha Body + Slimming Oil

Hydrating the skin is essential to preserve its structure. But now imagine combine one highly firming oil with a styling tool , which not only allows botanical active ingredients to be better absorbed, but also supports lymphatic drainage, for cleaner, inflammation-free, smooth and firm skin.

When? Ideally every day, but at least 3 times a week.

As? Apply oil over the entire body and slide the Gua Sha, almost close to the skin, also in upward and/or circular movements. Find out more about the Firme Kit here .

Body Revitalize Kit - oil + mushroom

Revital iza Body Kit - Mushroom Gua sha Body + Revital iza oil

This kit consists of another modeling tool, this one with a rounded shape. Perfect not only for gliding over the body, but also for making circular movements in areas where fat is concentrated, such as buttocks, belly, thighs and hips . It will make the Revitalize Oil , rich in Vitamin C and with toning properties, is well absorbed. It is also ideal for press on areas with accumulated muscle tension and the lymph nodes, encouraging the proper functioning of the lymphatic system and its purification function.

when? Ideally every day, but at least 3 times a week.

As? After applying the Revitalize Oil throughout the body, make circular movements in the following areas: stomach, buttocks, neck and shoulders, on top of the chest and in the area below the neck. Make upward movements on the inner and outer thighs, arms and from the lower back to the hips.



Important for removing accumulated dead cells and stimulating skin elasticity, the movements during exfoliation also help to activate blood circulation and stimulate lymph. Our favorite exfoliants, when it comes to boosting skin elasticity and improving its texture, are the Awaken , with coffee and kakadu plum, and the Stimulates , from matcha and citrus fruits.

when? Once or twice a week.

As? In the shower, with damp skin, exfoliate the skin in circular, upward movements. Don't forget to moisturize after exfoliation!

Inside out!

O The lymphatic system requires plenty of water and a balanced diet, preventing inflammation and congestion of lymphatic flow. The impact is noticeable on several levels, from the appearance of our skin to the efficiency of our immune system. You can give extra help with Detox Drops, ideal for boosting metabolism and digestion and supporting the body's natural detoxification.

When? Daily and ideally the first thing you take when you wake up.

As? Mix 4 filled pipettes in a glass of water and drink.

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